


Is there a calendar app that allow users to set end-of-event reminders? Suppose I schedule myself two-hour long programming task, and I want to get reminded throughout the way - 15 mins left, 5 mins left, time's up, 30 mins over, etc.


Also, it would be even better if the app supports voice recognition. For example, I can say "At 9 am, I am going to write Java programs for 2 hours. Remind me when I'm running out of time", and the app will know what entries to add.


经过几年的尝试,我制定了两种方案。这确实应该是Google Calander的功能(我已经尝试过将此解决方案发布到产品论坛,但没有成功-添加回复按钮不起作用-建议任何人吗?)虽然不是基于应用程序的解决方案,但可能

After a few years of trying, I have two schemes worked out. This really should be a Google Calander feature (I've tried posting this solution to the Product Forums with no success - the 'add a reply' button doesn't work - suggestions anyone?) While not an app based solution, these are possibly the only ones available, as I've looked repeatedly.


Best solution: basically, create two IFTTT accounts linked to separate Google calendars. One IFTTT trigger on 'any new event on calendar' to send to a Gmail inbox. Then another IFTTT trigger on 'if new email in inbox from search..' to 'quick add a new event' on the second calendar.

另一种解决方法是使用RememberTheMilk,尽管所涉及的设置较少,但在RTM收件箱中填满了许多任务(大约20个左右)后就停止了工作。 RTM具有更新至Gcal的功能,并具有电子邮件地址以添加IFTTT可以使用的与上述类似的任务。

The other workaround using RememberTheMilk, though less setup involved, stopped working after a number of tasks filled the RTM inbox (around 20 or so). RTM has a function to update to Gcal, and has an email address to add tasks that can be used by IFTTT similarly to above.

您可能会发现运行的IFTTT Applet贪睡警报,可能是以下一种:或以下操作: 。我认为有些助手应用程序使用语音输入来添加日历事件。

You might find an IFTTT Applet that runs an alarm with snooze, possibly this one: IFTTT: Can you specify a delay for an action? or this: How to make a IFTTT recipe that when triggered chimes an alarm .... I think there are some assistant apps which use voice input to add calendar events.


07-17 01:20