


代替 me 可以传入用户的ID吗?我无法在文档中找到任何参数,我可以指定用户将其列表添加到日历中。



两个选项: 到谷歌日历,并分享他们的日历到一个用户。然后,您可以使用此帐户更新他们的日历。请注意,Google在帐户转为只读模式之前有限制允许多少个日历和请求。

  • 购买谷歌应用程序域(5美元每用户每月)并在console.developers.google.com上创建一个服务帐户。创建一个项目,并在admin.google.com上为其分配域名。在Apps引擎中,您应该可以授予管理员访问权限,以修改所有用户日历。 选择,您还需要在开发控制台站点上启用CalendarAPI。现在使用从网站请求OAuth2访问令牌创建的私钥,其中为要更改日历的用户设置了子字段。使用返回的访问令牌,使用CalendarAPI修改日历。

    Sry对英语不好,简短说明,我很匆忙。 / conner;)

    Not sure if this is possible or if anyone has managed to do this. I have user with super admin access, with which I can create a new user for my domain. However I also want to add a couple of calenders to the created user's calendar list. When I create a user I authenticate using my super admin, but then I can't add a calendar to the user's calendar list since I am not logged in as the user. Is it possible to do this as the super admin, or do I have to logout and authenticate as the created user in order to add calendars to their list? This is the base url to which the post request is made:https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList

    in the place of me could I pass in the id of the user? I couldn't find any parameter in the documentation with which I can specify the user to whose list I want to add a calender.



    Two options:

    1. Each user much login to google calendar and share thier calendar to a single user. You can then use this account to update their calendars. Note that google has limitations to how many calendars and request you are allowed before the account goes to read-only mode.

    2. Buy a google apps domain (5$per user per month) and create a service account at console.developers.google.com. Create a project and give it domain wide delgation at admin.google.com. In Apps engine you should be able to give access for admin to modify all users calendars.

    No matter what case you choose, you also need to enable CalendarAPI at dev console site. Now with private key created from website request OAuth2 access token, where sub field is set for the users that you want to change calendar for. With returned access token use CalendarAPI to modify calendar.

    Sry for bad english and short description, i'm in a hurry. /conner ;)


  • 07-17 00:59