我使用 TWebBrowser
在应用程序中安装了HTML编辑器,当然这取决于安装的Internet Explorer版本.在Windows 7上安装了全新的Internet Explorer 11之后,我注意到编辑器已更改.段落似乎不再具有相同的HTML代码.
I use TWebBrowser
to have HTML editor in my application and of course it depends on version of Internet Explorer installed. I noticed after installation of the brand new Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 that my editor has changed. Paragraphs no longer seem to have same HTML code.
HTML generated before when I pressed enter key:
<P> </P>
这在编辑器中给了我额外的一行,看起来不太正确.< P>
本身换行了,< BR>
This gives me additional line in my editor which doesn't look right. <P>
itself has a new line, <BR>
is completely useless here.
Is there a way to tell MSHTML/TWebBrowser control in edit mode which markup to use when enter key is pressed? For example, I've seen that some MS programs generate:
When you press enter to get to new line.
(如果有关系的话)-当我使用命令设置字体大小时,是否有一种方法可以控制使用哪个标记(而不是将过时的size = 1改为size = 7以使CSS像"font-size:10px)
Also (if it is related) - is there a way to control which markup will be used when I use commands to set for example font-size (instead of obsolete size=1 to size=7 to have maybe CSS like "font-size:10px")
欢迎使用Delphi和C ++ Builder中的代码示例.
Code samples in Delphi and C++ Builder welcome.
使用 bcbhtml :首先将html.cpp添加到您的项目中,并添加"html.h":
Using bcbhtml :First add html.cpp to your project and include "html.h":
#include "html.h"
define document variable in global scope:
THTMLDocument document;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
WebBrowser1->Navigate("about:<div contenteditable=true>Type here</div>"); // example editable region
void __fastcall TForm1::WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(TObject *ASender, const IDispatch *pDisp,
const OleVariant &URL)
document.onkeydown = &onkeydown;
void TForm1::onkeydown()
EventObj event = document.parentWindow.event;
if(event.keyCode == VK_RETURN)
document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML("<P> </P>"); // You can put every html you like per every key code
event.returnValue = false; // blocks default html which will be generated
You can download this great wrapper (bcbhtml) from here.
这篇关于Windows 7上的IHTMLDocument2和Internet Explorer 11更改的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!