I need to register some 3D facial landmarks given for each frame of a video. For this task, I am trying to find out a transformation matrix between a few landmark coordinates given for the consecutive frames. For example, 3D coordinates of 3 landmarks in frame 1 and frame 2 are given as:
frame1 = [2 4 15; 4 15 14; 20 11 7]
frame2 = [16 5 12; 5 7 9; 11 6 19]
I have tried using imregtform
function provided by matlab and ABSOR tool for matlab.
tform = imregtform(frame1, frame2, 'affine','OnePlusOneEvolutionary','MeanSquares');
tform = absor(frame1, frame2)
Error using imregtform>parseInputs (line 261)
The value of 'MovingImage' is invalid. All dimensions of the moving image should be greater than 4.
Error in imregtform (line 124)
parsedInputs = parseInputs(varargin{:});
Note: ABSOR doesn't find affine transformation, it finds similarity transformation.
首先,只有3点太少,无法恢复仿射变换-您需要4点.对于N维空间,有一个简单的规则:要明确地恢复仿射变换,您应该知道N + 1个点的图像,这些图像形成了单纯形-对于2D来说是三角形,对于3D来说是金字塔等.只有3个点,您才可以检索2D仿射变换.您可以在"初学者的仿射简单映射指南中找到很好的解释. .
import numpy as np
# input data
ins = [[1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 0], [3, 2, -2], [-2, 2, 3]] # <- points
out = [[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [-2, -1, 6], [4, 1, -3]] # <- mapped to
# calculations
l = len(ins)
B = np.vstack([np.transpose(ins), np.ones(l)])
D = 1.0 / np.linalg.det(B)
entry = lambda r,d: np.linalg.det(np.delete(np.vstack([r, B]), (d+1), axis=0))
M = [[(-1)**i * D * entry(R, i) for i in range(l)] for R in np.transpose(out)]
A, t = np.hsplit(np.array(M), [l-1])
t = np.transpose(t)[0]
# output
print("Affine transformation matrix:\n", A)
print("Affine transformation translation vector:\n", t)
# unittests
for p, P in zip(np.array(ins), np.array(out)):
image_p = np.dot(A, p) + t
result = "[OK]" if np.allclose(image_p, P) else "[ERROR]"
print(p, " mapped to: ", image_p, " ; expected: ", P, result)
This code demonstrates how to recover affine transformation as matrix and vector and tests that initial points are mapped to where they should. It is based on equation presented in "Beginner's guide to mapping simplexes affinely", matrix recovery is described in section "Recovery of canonical notation". The same authors published "Workbook on mapping simplexes affinely" that contains many practical examples of this kind.