

我正在尝试做一个文本链接淡入淡出悬停效果.我试图通过 .css() 函数更改颜色.颜色正在改变,但 .fadeIn() 函数不起作用.我做错了什么以及如何解决?

Im trying to do a text link fade hover effect. Im trying to change the color through .css()-function. The colors are changing but the .fadeIn()-function doesn't work. What am I doing wrong and how do I solve it?

$('#menu li a').hover(
        function() {
        function() {


.fadeIn() in 不会淡入 .css() 函数中的文本.它与 .fadeOut() 函数一起使用,显示或隐藏屏幕上的对象.要淡入颜色变化,您需要使用 .animate() - 这是一个工作示例 here 使用此插件找到 这里.

.fadeIn() in will not fade in the text that from your .css() func. It's used with the .fadeOut() function, to show or hide a object on screen. To fade in a color change you need to use .animate() - this is a working example here using this plugin found here.


    // #FFFFFF = color to fade | 100 = time of fading


    // this get called when mouse leaves.
    // Set the color to default color blue


注意最好使用 .mouseover()/.mouseout() 然后使用悬停,因为它会在此处产生问题(重新闪烁和重新着色)以及此错误的示例: http://jsfiddle.net/EFgma/54/

Note it is better to use .mouseover() / .mouseout() then use hover as it create problems (reblinking and recoloring) here and example of this bug: http://jsfiddle.net/EFgma/54/



07-16 17:25