我开始将我的项目转换为 maven,因为我需要使用一个仅在 maven 上以二进制形式分发的库,但是在我的头撞在墙上太久之后,我决定停止伤害自己只需使用 Ant.我只想让 maven 将 jar 及其所有传递依赖项下载到我选择的目录中,这样我就可以像往常一样将它们检入我的 SCM 并再次成为一名幸福的开发人员.
I started to convert my project to maven because I needed to use a library that was distributed in binary form over maven only, but after banging my head against the wall on it for far too long I've decided to stop hurting myself and just use Ant. I'd like to just have maven download the jar and all of its transitive dependencies into a directory of my choosing so I can just check them into my SCM as I normally enjoy and be a blissful developer once again.
Any ideas how to do that easily?
maven 依赖插件 可以潜在地解决您的问题.
The maven dependency plugin can potentially solve your problem.
如果您有一个 pom
If you have a pom
with all your project dependencies specified, all you would need to do is run
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
然后你会发现 target/dependencies
and you will find the target/dependencies
folder filled with all the dependencies, including transitive.
添加 Gustavo 下面的回答:下载依赖源,可以使用
Adding Gustavo's answer from below: To download the dependency sources, you can use
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifier=sources
(通过 Apache Maven 依赖插件文档).
这篇关于将所有 maven 依赖项下载到不在存储库中的目录?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!