

我有一个 nexus 服务器版本 2.11.1-01,它有一个计划任务设置来运行我们的快照存储库,以删除最小快照计数设置为 3 和保留 5 天的快照.计划任务显示它正在运行,但是当我查看我们的存储库时,对于一个跨越 6 个月的工件 gav,有多达 26 个快照.

I have a nexus server version 2.11.1-01 that has a scheduled task setup to run over our snapshots repo to remove snapshots with the minimum snapshot count set to 3 and a retention of 5 days. The scheduled task is showing that it runs, but when I look through our repository there are as many as 26 snapshots for one artifact gav spanning 6 months.


Is there something not configured correctly or a way to find out why it isn't running correctly?


this nexus Jira 中所述:


remove if release"选项可用于清理所有快照来自特定版本.

The "remove if released" option can be used to clean up all snapshots from a particular version.

此外,如其他 Jira 中所述,您必须检查文件命名布局:

Also, as reported in this other Jira, you have to check file naming layout:

Nexus 仅支持 Maven2/3 布局

如果您想删除工件的多个版本,如此处所述,您必须使用REST API:

If you want to delete multiple versions of an artifact, as reported here, you have to use REST apis:

curl -X 删除 -u admin:admin123http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/repositories/releases/content/com/test/project/1.0/

或者,您也可以直接从存储库的磁盘上的本地存储.如果直接从本地存储中删除,则使用 REST 命令为受影响的路径重建元数据:

Or, alternatively you can delete them directly from the repository's local storage on disk. If you delete directly from local storage then use the REST command to rebuild metadata for the affected path:

curl -X 删除 -u admin:admin123http://localhost:8081/nexus/服务/本地/元数据/存储库/快照/内容/com/test/project/

curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/metadata/repositories/snapshots/content/com/test/project/


You'll also need to update the search indexes. If you schedule a nightly "update indexes" task it will pick up any changes made directly to the storage area.


07-16 10:00