I'm using nexus to host both maven and docker artifacts. For the docker production artifacts I'd like to turn on "disable redeploy" to ensure the image can never change on the nexus server once it is potentially in production.
However, enabling "disable redeploy" appears to make it impossible to re-publish the "latest" tag to point to the latest version.
在尝试推送时,我在客户端上得到了模糊的错误,例如blob upload invalid: blob upload invalid
When trying to push I get obscure errors on the client such as blob upload invalid: blob upload invalid
Is it possible to disable redeploy to concrete version tags, while allowing on tags like "latest"
In sonartype version 3.21.1 this feature has been added. When the Disable redeploy policy is selected , we get new option: Allow redeploying the 'latest' tag but defer to the Deployment Policy for all other tags.
链接: https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-18186
这篇关于允许重新部署“最新"邮件Nexus OSS中的docker标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!