I would like to setup my build such that it automatically attempts to download an artifact from maven central iff our nexus server is unreachable. I have the following in settings.xml and I'm not sure how to change it (if even possible).
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
要使用存储库管理器(包括Nexus),您需要定义一个mirrorOf *元素,该元素将拦截所有存储库URL并将其发送给Nexus解析度.在Maven2和3中,不能在概要文件中配置mirrorOf元素.这意味着在不更改设置的情况下没有简单的方法来回切换.
In order to use a repository manager (Nexus included) you need to have a mirrorOf * element defined that will intercept all the repository urls and send them to Nexus for resolution. In Maven2 and 3, the mirrorOf element is not able to be configured in a profile. This means there is no easy way to flip back and forth without changing your settings.
You would need to comment out the mirrors section and then deactivate the Nexus profile to have Maven revert back to standard behavior.
Fortunately though Nexus is very stable and it should never go down.
这篇关于如果连结伺服器关闭,我该如何配置Maven来存取Maven Central?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!