


Apologies if duplicate, but no other answers so far have helped.


All I'm trying to do is loop through the files in a folder, and rename the last part of the file/extension.

简单地说-可能有1-90个文件,[文件名] _01-[文件名] _90,并且每天(通过Windows事件计划程序)该数字必须增加一.

Simply put - there could be 1-90 files, [filename]_01 - [filename]_90, and each day (via windows event scheduler) the number has to increment by one.



The files are also meant to behave slightly differently when they hit certain milestones (30-60-90) but this I believe should already work if the variables update properly.


I have tried so many possible combinations of variable addressing (!variable!/%variable%/etc.) and while I can enter the loop, it does not repeat, nor update the variable number for the end of the files.

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set cnt=0
for %%A in (*) do set /a cnt+=1
set /A fileNumber = %cnt%-1
set /A newFileNumber = %cnt%
echo %fileNumber%
echo %newFileNumber%
for /l %%F in (%fileNumber%,1,1) do (
    if %newFileNumber%==90 (
        ren "*_%fileNumber%.don" "*_%newFileNumber%.csv"
    if %newFileNumber%==60 (
        ren "*_%fileNumber%.don" "*_%newFileNumber%.csv"
    if %newFileNumber%==60 (
        "ren *_%fileNumber%.don" "*_%newFileNumber%.csv"
    ren "*_%fileNumber%.don" "*_%newFileNumber%.don"
    set fileNumber=%fileNumber%-1
    set newFileNumber=%newFileNumber%-1


This should simply update all the files in the directory to increment by 1 in the file name. If anyone can point out where I'm going wrong I would really appreciate it.


SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: target directory name in variable for convenience.
SET "targetdir=U:\sourcedir"
:: switch to target directory
pushD "%targetdir%"
:: Start count at 100 so that it is 3 digits long
set cnt=100
for %%A in (*) do set /a cnt+=1
set /A fileNumber = %cnt%
set /A newFileNumber = %cnt%+1
:: echoing last 2 characters (will be digits) of variables
echo %fileNumber:~-2% (%filenumber%)
echo %newFileNumber:~-2% (%newfilenumber%)
:: Assign %%F to values 100+actual descending by 1 to 101
for /l %%F in (%fileNumber%,-1,100) do (
 rem note need REM remarks within the loop
 REM use !varname! for current value of variable VARNAME
    if !newFileNumber:~-2!==90 (
        ECHO ren "*_!fileNumber:~-2!.don" "*_!newFileNumber:~-2!.csv"
    if !newFileNumber:~-2!==60 (
        ECHO ren "*_!fileNumber:~-2!.don" "*_!newFileNumber:~-2!.csv"
    if !newFileNumber:~-2!==30 (
        ECHO ren "*_!fileNumber:~-2!.don" "*_!newFileNumber:~-2!.csv"
 rem Since you've just renamed (eg) _59.don to _60.csv, _59.don is missing
    IF EXIST "*_!fileNumber:~-2!.don" ECHO ren "*_!fileNumber:~-2!.don" "*_!newFileNumber:~-2!.don"
    set /A fileNumber=fileNumber-1
    set /A newFileNumber=newFileNumber-1
:: return to original directory

所需的REN命令仅被 ECHO 用于测试目的.确认命令正确无误后,将 ECHO REN 更改为 REN ,以实际重命名文件.

The required REN commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO REN to REN to actually rename the files.


Unfortunately, you've shown us HOW you've NOT been able to do some operation that's a little vague. We thus need to nut out what you intend to do, which is more work and prone to chasing wild geese.

您没有说要怎么处理文件* _90,所以我们在这里无能为力.

You don't say what to do with files *_90, so we can't help there.

您似乎想将* _59.don更改为* _60.csv,但是您的重命名想要将* _60.DON更改为下一次调用,因此除非名称已从_ * 60.CSV更改回* _60.DON,这行不通.

You appear to want to change *_59.don to *_60.csv, but your rename wants to change *_60.DON the next invocation, so unless the name has been changed from _*60.CSV back to *_60.DON, this isn't going to work.

请注意,此例程的基础是使用变量的最后两个字符.这是为了容纳您所说的编号方案中的前导 0 .

Note that the basis of this routine is to work with the last two characters of variables. This is to accommodate the leading 0 you say is in your numbering scheme.


It's standard practice to assume that you will exercise any routine against a test directory for verification.

请注意,每个 REN 都是 ECHO ,因此它没有被执行,仅被报告.将 ECHO REN 更改为 REN 以实际执行命令.

Note that every REN is ECHOed, so it is not EXECUTED, merely reported. Change the ECHO REN to REN to actually execute the command.


Note also that batch is largely case-insensitive. This means you don't have to wear out your SHIFT key unless you want to.


07-16 04:52