我有两项服务 - 一项用于存储用户详细信息,另一项用于调用以检索这些详细信息:
I have two services - one to store user details and the other to make a call to retrieve those details:
userService 存储要在整个应用中使用的用户详细信息(即注入控制器、服务等)
function userService($log) {
var id = '';
var username = '';
var isAuthenticated = false;
var service = {
id: id,
username: username,
isAuthenticated: isAuthenticated
return service;
authService 用于(希望只有一次)从 Web API 控制器检索用户详细信息:
function authService($log, $http, userService) {
$log.info(serviceId + ': Inside authService method');
var service = {
getUserDetails: getUserDetails
return service;
function getUserDetails() {
$log.info(serviceId + ': Inside getUserDetails method');
return $http.get('api/authentication', { cache: true });
最初,我在 .run 块中调用了 authService fire,如下所示:
Initially, I had the call to the authService fire in a .run block like so:
.run(['$log', 'authService', 'userService', function ($log, authService, userService) {
function querySucceeded(result) {
userService.id = result.data.Id;
userService.username = result.data.username;
但问题是 getUserDetails 返回的承诺直到我的控制器触发后才解决,因此对我来说为时已晚.用户数据未准备好.
But the problem was that the getUserDetails-returned promise did not resolve until after I my controllers fired and, thus, too late for me. The user data was not ready.
然后我查看了 $stateProvider 中的 resolve 选项(用于 UI-Router):
I then looked at the resolve option in the $stateProvider (for UI-Router):
.state('dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
views: {
header: {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/dashboard/header.template.html',
controller: 'DashboardHeaderController',
controllerAs: 'dashboardHeaderVM',
resolve: {
user: function (authService) {
return authService.getUserDetails();
假设在 resolve 部分中的 promise 被解决之前,视图不会被呈现.这似乎工作正常.
The assumption is that the view won't be rendered until the promise in the resolve section is, well, resolved. That seems to work fine.
Here's the (relevant part of the) controller where I use the returned user property:
function DashboardHeaderController($log, user) {
var vm = this;
// Bindable members
vm.firstName = user.data.firstName;
但是,我有两条路线(更多路线),用户可以导航到任一路线.我是否需要在 authService 的每个状态部分都有一个解析属性?我想调用 authService.getUserDetails 一次,无论提供哪个路由,然后让它可用于任何路由、控制器等.
However, I have two routes (more to come) and a user can navigate to either one. Do I need to have a resolve property in each state section for the authService? I want to fire the call to authService.getUserDetails just once no matter which route is served and have it available after that for any route, controller, etc.
Is there a better (best practice) way to do this?
不确定更好或最佳实践,但这里有一个 plunker 以我的方式.
Not sure about better or best practice, but here is a plunker with my way.
移动到某个父 根状态.应用程序中所有状态的祖先:
The point is to move resolve
into some parent root state. The one who is ancestor of all states in the application:
.state('root', {
abstract : true,
// see controller def below
controller : 'RootCtrl',
// this is template, discussed below - very important
template: '<div ui-view></div>',
// resolve used only once, but for available for all child states
resolve: {
user: function (authService) {
return authService.getUserDetails();
This is a root state with resolve. The only state with resolve. Here is an example of its first child (any other would be defined similar way:
.state('index', {
url: '/',
parent : 'root',
这种方法开箱即用.我只想提一下,如果 'RootCtrl'
This approach will work out of the box. I just would like to mention that if the 'RootCtrl'
is defined like this:
.controller('RootCtrl', function($scope,user){
$scope.user = user;
我们应该了解 UI-Router 继承.见:
we should understand the UI-Router inheritance. See:
您完全有可能拥有嵌套状态,其模板在您站点内的各种非嵌套位置填充 ui-view.在这种情况下,您不能期望在子状态的视图中访问父状态视图的范围变量...
It is entirely possible that you have nested states whose templates populate ui-views at various non-nested locations within your site. In this scenario you cannot expect to access the scope variables of parent state views within the views of children states...
更多解释可以在这个Q &一个
我们的根视图只能将 resolved 内容传递到子状态 - 如果它们的视图是嵌套的.
只会在子状态/视图/$scopes 像这样嵌套时才会被继承
For example, the $scope.user
will be inherited in child states/views/$scopes only if they are nested like this
.state('index', {
url: '/',
parent : 'root',
views: {
'' : { // the root view and its scope is now the ancestor
// so $scope.user is available in every child view
templateUrl: 'layout.html',
controller: 'IndexCtrl'
'top@index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.top.html',},
'left@index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.left.html',},
'main@index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.main.html',},