

我正在处理一个 Arduino 项目,由于内存限制,我正在将它与 Python 脚本连接起来.在 Python 方面,我有一个二维矩阵,其中包含坐标的相应 x、y 值,在此列表中是 26000 个坐标对.因此,为了为大家阐明数据结构,pathlist[0][0] 将返回我的列表第一个坐标的 X 值.在 Python 中对这个列表执行不同的操作等没有问题.然而,我遇到麻烦的地方是以有用的方式通过串行将这些值发送到 Arduino.

I'm working on an Arduino project, and I am interfacing it with a Python script due to memory limitations. On the Python side I have a 2 dimensional matrix containing respective x, y values for coordinates, and in this list is 26000 coordinate pairs. So, in interest of clarifying the data structure for all of you, pathlist[0][0], would return the X value of the first coordinate of my list. Performing different operations, etc. on this list in Python is posing no problems. Where I am running into trouble however is sending these values to Arduino over serial, in a way that is useful.

由于串行通信的性质(至少我认为是这样),我必须将每个整数作为一个字符串发送,并且一次只能发送一个数字.因此,像 345 这样的数字将作为 3 个单独的字符发送,这些字符当然是 3、4 和 5.

Due to the nature of serial communication (at least I think this is the case) I must send each each integer as a string, and only one digit at a time. So, a number like 345 would be sent over as 3 individual characters, those being of course, 3, 4, then 5.

我正在努力寻找一种在 Arduino 上重建这些整数的方法.

What I am struggling with is finding a way to rebuild those integers on the Arduino.


Whenever I send a value over, it's receiving the data and outputting it like so:

  //Python is sending over the number '25'
  //Python is sending the number 431.

Arduino 代码是:

The Arduino code is:

String str;
int ds = 4;

void setup() {

void loop(){
    if (Serial.available()>0) {
        for (int i=0; i<4; i=i+1) {
            char d= Serial.read();

        char t[str.length()+1];
        str.toCharArray(t, (sizeof(t)));
        int intdata = atoi(t);

Python 代码如下所示:

And the Python code looks like this:

 import serial

 s = serial.Serial(port='/dev/tty.usbmodemfd131', baudrate=9600)


我几乎可以肯定问题不是源于输出方法 (Serial.print),因为当我声明另一个 int 时,它的输出格式很好,所以我假设问题在于如何构造 intdata 变量.

I'm almost certain that the problem isn't stemming from the output method (Serial.print), seeing as when I declare another int, it formats fine on output, so I am assuming the problem lies in how the intdata variable is constructed.

可能有助于诊断此问题的一件事是,如果我将 Serial.print(intdata) 更改为 Serial.print(intdata+5) 我的结果是2ÿÿ57,我期望 30 (25+5).无论输入如何,这个 7 都存在.例如,我可以将 271 写入串行,结果如下所示:

One thing of note that may help diagnose this problem is that if I change Serial.print(intdata) to Serial.print(intdata+5) my result is 2ÿÿ57, where I would expect 30 (25+5). This 7 is present regardless of the input. For instance I could write 271 to the serial and my result would look as follows:

//For input 271.

在我看来,Arduino 正在将值分成两对,并将长度附加到末尾.我不明白为什么会发生这种情况.

It appears to me that Arduino is chunking the values into pairs of two and appending the length to the end. I can't understand why that would happen though.

在我看来,ÿ 也被添加到 for 循环中.这意味着添加它们是因为在当前时刻没有发送任何内容.但是即使通过添加另一个 if(Serial.available()>0) 条件来解决这个问题,结果仍然没有被当作整数处理.

It also seems to me that the ÿ are being added in the for loop. Meaning that they are added because nothing is being sent at that current moment. But even fixing that by adding yet another if(Serial.available()>0) conditional, the result is still not treated like an integer.

另外,在这里使用 Pickle 是否合适?我做错了什么?

Also, would using Pickle be appropriate here?What am I doing wrong?



You should wait a bit for the serial data to arrive.

Arduino 代码应该是:

The Arduino code should be:

if (Serial.available()){
    delay(100); // Wait for all data.
    while (Serial.available()) {
        char d = Serial.read();


Also you have to clear your string before re-using it.

我忘了提到 ÿ == -1 == 255 这意味着 Serial.read() 它说它无法读取任何东西.

I forgot to mention ÿ == -1 == 255 which means Serial.read() it is saying it can't read anything.


07-03 17:18