Hi. I am looking for a way to automatically export project files into .csv files with out having to open the files and use save as. All the files I will have are in the same exact format and will be uploaded to me through a web form. The goal is to automate the process to save them to a csv so I can enter values into my SQL database to use with multiple reporting tools in my VB application. Is there any way to do this? Thank you.
您需要编写代码来处理此要求。可以是MS项目或UI的插件,您可以在其中获取项目列表或作为插件的特定项目。您可以调用MS Project应用程序对象的Application.FileSaveAs方法,其中
You will need to write code to handle this requirement. May be an addin to MS project or UI where you can get the list of the project or to a specific project as an addin . You can call MS Project application object's Application.FileSaveAs Method which saves the file in a desired format like .mpp, .csv, .xml etc based on the formatID.
Format, Backup, ReadOnly, TaskInformation, Filtered, Table, UserID, DatabasePassWord, FormatID, Map, Password, WriteResPassword, ClearBaseline, ClearActuals, ClearResourceRates, ClearFixedCosts, XMLName, ClearConfirmed)
As a macro:
Sub SaveFileAs() Application.Alerts = False Dim projLoc As String projLoc = "https://servername/PWA/worspacename/backupDocLib/" + ActiveProject.Name + "-" + Now() FileSaveAs Name:=projLoc, FormatID:="MSProject.MPP" FileCloseEx pjSave, False, True Application.Alerts = TrueEnd Sub