我们最近使用新证书更新了我们的 ZNC 服务器(不认为这很重要),以包含主题备用名称 (SAN) DNS 字段.它现在可以在隐身模式下运行,但我现有的会话显示错误此页面不安全(HTTPS 损坏)".详细信息如下:
We recently updated our ZNC server (don't think this matters) with a new certificate to include a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS field. It works now in incognito but my existing session shows the error "This page is not secure (broken HTTPS)." with the below details:
您最近允许加载了证书错误(例如脚本或 iframe)的内容在本网站上运行.
You have recently allowedcontent loaded with certificate errors (such as scripts or iframes) torun on this site.
I am searched but am not finding anything related to more detail on this. It sounds like it will just expire on its own since it states "recently" but I am more concerned about how to get this to resolve quickly and hopefully without users having to do anything.
我禁用了出现在网络请求中的扩展程序,现在只剩下几个请求,所有这些都是 HTTPS.我还尝试使用 ctrl + shift + r 重新加载 w/bypass 缓存,以及重新加载时选择的开发工具禁用缓存".
I have disabled extensions that were showing up in the network requests and am left with just a few requests now, all of which are HTTPS. I also tried a ctrl + shift + r to reload w/bypass cache, as well as dev tools 'disable cache' selected when reloading.
To clear this error without a restart:
- 开放开发者工具
- 转到应用程序标签
- 清理存储
- 关闭并重新打开标签
Commenters have pointed out the following:
- 您必须关闭对同一域打开的所有窗口中的所有选项卡
- 您可以在清除存储之前取消选中cookies"以保留登录信息等