我有一长串的十进制数,我必须根据某些条件将其调整为10、100、1000,.... 1000000。当我将它们相乘时,有时会想要删除一个无用的尾随零(尽管并非总是如此)。例如...
I have a long list of Decimals and that I have to adjust by factors of 10, 100, 1000,..... 1000000 depending on certain conditions. When I multiply them there is sometimes a useless trailing zero (though not always) that I want to get rid of. For example...
from decimal import Decimal
# outputs 25.0, PROBLEM! I would like it to output 25
print Decimal('2.5') * 10
# outputs 2567.8000, PROBLEM! I would like it to output 2567.8
print Decimal('2.5678') * 1000
Is there a function that tells the decimal object to drop these insignificant zeros? The only way I can think of doing this is to convert to a string and replace them using regular expressions.
应该提到我正在使用python 2.6.5
Should probably mention that I am using python 2.6.5
senderle的好答案使我意识到,我偶尔会得到一个像250.0这样的数字,当归一化时会产生2.5E + 2。我猜在这些情况下,我可以尝试将它们整理出来并转换为int
EDITsenderle's fine answer made me realize that I occasionally get a number like 250.0 which when normalized produces 2.5E+2. I guess in these cases I could try to sort them out and convert to a int
可能有更好的方法,但您可以使用 .rstrip('0')。rstrip('。')
There's probably a better way of doing this, but you could use .rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
to achieve the result that you want.
>>> s = str(Decimal('2.5') * 10)
>>> print s.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if '.' in s else s
>>> s = str(Decimal('2.5678') * 1000)
>>> print s.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if '.' in s else s
And here's the fix for the problem that gerrit pointed out in the comments:
>>> s = str(Decimal('1500'))
>>> print s.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if '.' in s else s