我使用的是 Spring.net 1.2 和 NHibernate 2.0.1.
在我的项目中,我面临一些死锁问题,除了数据库调整以尽量减少发生率之外,我还想实施 Springs RetryAdvice 来处理这个问题.
我找不到任何如何配置 this 的工作示例.参考文献似乎很清楚如何使用它,但不知何故我无法让它工作.
i am using Spring.net 1.2 with NHibernate 2.0.1.
Within my project i'am facing some Deadlock issues and besides the database tweaks to minimize the occurence i would like to implement Springs RetryAdvice to handle this.
I can't find any working example how to configure a this. The reference seems to be clear about how to use it but somehow i can't get it working.
<!--Used to translate NHibernate exception to Spring.DataAccessExceptions-->
<object type="Spring.Dao.Attributes.PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor, Spring.Data"/>
<!--ExceptionHandler performing Retry on Deadlocks-->
<object name="ExceptionHandlingAdvice" type="Spring.Aspects.RetryAdvice, Spring.Aop">
<property name="retryExpression" value="on exception name DeadLockLoserException retry 3x rate (1*#n + 0.5)"/>
我已将 [Repository] 属性添加到我的 DAO 以启用 ExceptionTranslation,并尝试将 RetryAdvice 添加到我正在使用的 TransactionProxyFactoryObject,但它不起作用.我不明白把这个建议放在哪里.我是否必须声明一个 PointCut 来添加它,或者我怎样才能让它按预期工作.
I have added the [Repository] attribute to my DAOs to get ExceptionTranslation enabled and tried to add the RetryAdvice to the TransactionProxyFactoryObject i am using but it won't work. I don't understand where to put this Advice. Do i have to declare a PointCut to add it or how could i get it to work as expected.
提前感谢 - 感谢任何帮助.
Thx in advance - any help appreciated.
在等待有人解决我的问题 1 个半月后,我终于有时间自己详细说明解决方案.事实上,这并没有我想象的那么难.也许这就是为什么我找不到任何好的例子.所以我们开始:以下测试将显示用法:
After 1 and a half month of waiting for someone solving my problem i finally found time to elaborate the solution for this by myself. In fact it wasn't that difficult i thought it was. Maybe thats why i wasn't able to find any good example.So here we go: The following test will show the usage:
Configuration: (SessionFactory and TransactionManager etc. omitted for brevity)
<!-- Retries the Tx after DeadlockExceptions -->
<object name="ExceptionHandlingAdvice" type="Spring.Aspects.RetryAdvice, Spring.Aop">
<property name="retryExpression" value="on exception name DeadlockLoserDataAccessException retry 3x delay 1s"/>
<!--A Transaction-Configuration for our DAO-MOCK-->
<object id="TxProxyConfigurationTemplate" abstract="true" type="Spring.Transaction.Interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryObject, Spring.Data">
<property name="PlatformTransactionManager" ref="HibernateTransactionManager"/>
<property name="TransactionAttributes">
<add key="ThrowDeadLock*" value="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/>
<object id="MockDaoTxPFO" parent="TxProxyConfigurationTemplate">
<property name="Target" ref="MockDao"/>
<!--The ProxyFactoryObject based on the DAO-Mock interface-->
<object id="MockDao" type="Spring.Aop.Framework.ProxyFactoryObject, Spring.Aop" >
<property name="proxyInterfaces" value="RetryAdvice.IDaoMock"/>
<property name="target" ref="MockDaoImpl"/>
<property name="interceptorNames">
<!--Mocked DAO Implementation -->
<object id="MockDaoImpl" type="RetryAdvice.DaoMock, RetryAdvice">
<constructor-arg name="maxExceptionCount" value="2" />
Mocked Dao:这个 DAO 会抛出 DeadLockLooserExceptions 两次然后通过.
Mocked Dao: This DAO will throw DeadLockLooserExceptions twice and then pass.
public interface IDaoMock
void ThrowDeadLock();
int MethodCallCount { get; }
public class DaoMock : IDaoMock
private int maxExceptionCount;
public int MethodCallCount { get; private set; }
public DaoMock(int maxExceptionCount)
this.maxExceptionCount = maxExceptionCount;
public void ThrowDeadLock()
if (MethodCallCount <= maxExceptionCount)
throw new DeadlockLoserDataAccessException("FAKE", new HibernateException("This is a fake Exception.", null));
public void RetryAdviceTest()
IDaoMock mockDao = (IDaoMock)this.appContext.GetObject("MockDaoTxPFO");
Assert.That(mockDao.MethodCallCount, Is.EqualTo(3));
这篇关于如何使用 NHibernate 和 Spring 为死锁配置 RetryAdvice 和 ExceptionTranslation的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!