I am currently writing a simple password generator (C#). For that I need some random numbers.
Is it OK to simply use the Random class that ships with .NET or are there any known problems with that?
没有什么不妥之处 - 它足以产生简单的密码。一个简单的例子(源):
There is nothing wrong with it -- it's good enough to generate simple passwords. A simple example (source):
Random RandomClass = new Random();
int RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(); // Random number between 1 and 2147483647
double RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(1,10); // Random number between 1 and 10
double RandomDouble = RandomClass.NextDouble(); // Random double between 0.0 and 1.0
这篇文章的 如何:生成一个随机密码(C#/ VB.NET) 的有一个非常COM prehensive产生很好的例子,易于读取指定的复杂密码。这可能是矫枉过正你,但它可能会提供从创意复制一个很好的来源。
The article How To: Generate a Random Password (C#/VB.NET) has a very comprehensive example of generating good, easy-to-read passwords with specified complexity. It may be overkill for you, but it might provide a nice source to copy ideas from.
If you need something more for cryptography, there's another namespace for that:
Specifically, you can use this:
一个例子是的 使用加密在VB中的随机数.NET 的,另一种是 的。
An example is Using Crypto for your Random Numbers in VB.NET, and another one is Crypto Random Numbers.
如果你正在考虑滚动您自己,该网站的 开发人员指南分享 的有一些信息来说服你出来吧。
If you're thinking about rolling your own, the site Developer Guidance Share has some information to talk you out of it.
这篇关于如何随机是System.Random在.NET 3?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!