

有人知道如何在QML中使用Font Awesome吗?我找不到任何文档或有关如何在QML中使用Awesome字体的信息.

Does anyone knows how to use Font Awesome in QML? I couldn't find any document or any information how to use Font Awesome in QML.


我想做的是使用 fontello 创建最小的图标集,而不是从FontAwesome下载整个图标集.使用 texteditor 示例作为参考:

What I like to do is use fontello to create a minimal set of icons, rather than downloading the whole set from FontAwesome. Using the texteditor example as a reference:

  1. 下载字体并将其存储在项目目录中的某个位置.在示例中,它位于fonts文件夹中.
  2. 如果您在项目中使用.qrc文件,请将其添加到其中之一.
  3. 我可以想到两种方法来在您的QML中识别字体: FontLoader .要使用QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(),请添加代码,然后再加载您的应用程序的QML:

  1. Download the font and store it somewhere in your project directory. In the example, it's in the fonts folder.
  2. If you're using .qrc files in your project, add it to one of those.
  3. There are two ways that I can think of to have the font recognised in your QML: FontLoader and QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(). To use QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(), add this code before loading your application's QML:

QFontDatabase fontDatabase;
if (fontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/fontello.ttf") == -1)
    qWarning() << "Failed to load fontello.ttf";

  • 在以下网站的text属性中使用 Unicode代码 任何项目 a>您要在以下位置显示图标:

  • Use the Unicode codes in the text property of whatever item you want to display the icon in:

    ToolButton {
        id: openButton
        text: "\uF115" // icon-folder-open-empty
        font.family: "fontello"
        onClicked: openDialog.open()

  • 这篇关于如何在QML中使用Awesome字体的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
