


我正在通过构建应用来学习 iOS 。我的要求显示了 UITableViewController上的一些交易

What am I doing?
I am learning iOS by building an app. My requirement shows some transactions on UITableViewController

我需要添加标题我需要设计一些具体的信息和风格。我问过并意识到我需要制作一个自定义 UIView

I need to add header which I need to design with some specific information and style. I asked iOS: How do I make custom header section for Table? and realized that I need to make a custom UIView.

问题是我无法在 UITableViewController 查看 c>,XCode不允许我

Problem is that I can't drag View on UITableViewController, XCode does not allow me to


- 如果你看到这不仅显示 UIView 但是整个 iPhone 屏幕

- 我需要在我的 UITableViewController上显示这个,现在我拥有什么,如何将 UIView 作为标题放在我的 UITableViewController 上?

- If you see this shows not only the UIView but the entire iPhone screen
- I need to show this on my UITableViewController, with now what I have, how can I put the UIView as header on my UITableViewController?


使用 UIViewController 而不是a UITableViewController

Use a UIViewController rather than a UITableViewController

我建议你不要使用 UITableViewController 因为我可以看到它没有什么优势,而像你正在寻找的自定义视图是不必要的困难。

I recommend you don't use a UITableViewController as there's little advantage as far as I can see, whilst custom views like you're looking for are unnecessarily difficult.

使用的 UIViewCont滚动 并将 UITableView 对象(在界面构建器中)拉到该视图。您可以根据自己的喜好调整尺寸和位置。

Use a UIViewController and pull a UITableView object (Within the interface builder) on to that view. You can size and position it anywhere you like.

请记住在头文件中包含代理,如下所示,并将 UITableView 对象委托连接到viewController。

Remember to include the delegates within the header file, like below, and to connect the UITableView object delegate to the the viewController.

@interface ViewController: UIViewController<UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDatasource>


Screenshot below of a UIViewController within the interface builder and I've added a UITableview object (which is greyed out here) and added a UIView at the top (coloured brown so you can see it clearly).


This of course is just an example, but hope it helps you get the idea.


Although in the above screen shot I'm using storyboard, though you can do this just the same with a Xib too.



05-28 13:00