I have a loop that cycles through a bunch of images that I need to edit with Imagemagick. Trouble is, it's slow to have to wait for each image to be edited before editing the next one. I want to execute each of the convert commands asynchronously not waiting for the last one to finish.Is this possible with bash? Here's a basic overview of what I have:
for img in *
convert $img **more params here**
I want to execute that convert command asynchronously. So I can convert all the images at once. Is this possible with bash?
并行进程不能很好地工作,你最好使用 GNU Parallel ,它可以让你的所有CPU内核保持忙碌而不会使系统过载 - 所以如果你有8个核心,它一次会做8个图像(虽然你可以改变它)。
If you have many images, running hundreds/thousands of convert
processes in parallel is not going to work very well and you would be better off with GNU Parallel which will keep all your CPU cores busy without overloading the system - so if you have 8 cores, it will do 8 images at a time (though you can change that).
所以,如果你想调整所有 JPG
目录中的图片缩小到原始尺寸的一半并重命名为 resized-XYZ.jpg
So, if you wanted to resize all the JPG
images in your directory down to half their original size and rename them resized-XYZ.jpg
parallel convert {} -resize 50% resized-{} ::: *.jpg
如果你想做所有 JPG
文件和 PNG
If you want to do all the JPG
files and the PNG
files and see a progress meter as they run:
parallel --progress convert {} -resize 50% resized-{} ::: *.jpg *.png
If you want to do specifically 8 at a time, use:
parallel -j8 ....
If you want to see what the command is going to do, without actually doing anything:
parallel --dry-run ...