我通常使用 java.lang.ProcessBuilder 和 java.lang.Process 来运行外部命令行程序,它适用于 run-and-done 命令.例如,这将在工作目录中运行带有参数myArg"的myProgram":
I normally use java.lang.ProcessBuilder and java.lang.Process to run external command line programs, and it works fine for run-and-done commands. For example, this would run "myProgram" with argument "myArg" in the working directory:
List<String> commandLine = new ArrayList<String>();
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(commandLine);
Process process = builder.start();
然而,假设我想运行一个脚本或程序或具有交互式输入的东西(它在启动后提示我进行更多输入).我可以使用与上述类似的代码在 Java 中做到这一点,还是需要不同的方法?或者有什么图书馆可以帮助我解决这个问题?
However, say I wanted to run a script or program or something that had interactive input (it prompted me for more input after starting). Can I do that in Java with code similar to that above, or do I need a different approach? Or is there some library that can help me with this?
根据 文档 您应该能够重定向输入和输出流.这告诉它使用来自父进程的 System.in
According to the documentation you should be able to redirect the input and output streams. This tells it to use the System.in
from the parent process:
If you want to write things to the processes's input:
如果源是 Redirect.PIPE(初始值),则可以使用 Process.getOutputStream() 返回的输出流写入子进程的标准输入.如果源设置为任何其他值,则 Process.getOutputStream() 将返回空输出流.
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