我创建了包含在git存储库中的文件的默认版本。重要的是,当有人克隆存储库时,他们会获得该文件的副本。但是,我想设置git,以便稍后忽略此文件的更改。 .gitignore
我们一般很懒,并且使用 git add。
$ b 总之,
- 我希望创建一个文件,将其称为
,并将其添加到我的git存储库中,并在有人克隆该存储库时包含它。 code> git add。不应该添加 - 行为应该传递给存储库的任何克隆。
像其他人提到的一样,一个好的现代解决方案是: b
$ b
git update-index --skip-worktree default_values.txt
git update-index --no-skip-worktree default_values.txt
git ls-files -v。 | grep ^ S
I have created a default version of a file included in a git repository. It's important that when someone clones the repository, they get a copy of this file. However, I would like to set git so that it ignores changes to this file later. .gitignore
works only on untracked files.
My motivation is that this file contains machine-specific information. I would like to provide default values, while allowing people to make local changes that won't get pushed back to the origin repository, creating merge conflicts when we pull new changes.
We are generally pretty lazy and use git add .
a lot, so I'm pretty sure if I can't tell git to ignore this file, changes to it will end up getting committed and pushed.
To summarize,
- I would like to create a file, call it
that is added to my git repository and is included when someone clones that repository. git add .
should not adddefault_values.txt
to the commit.- This behavior should be passed on to any clones of the repository.
As many others have mentioned, a good modern solution is:
git update-index --skip-worktree default_values.txt
That will ignore changes to that file, both local and upstream, until you decide to allow them again with:
git update-index --no-skip-worktree default_values.txt
You can get a list of files that are marked skipped with:
git ls-files -v . | grep ^S
Note that unlike --skip-worktree, the --assume-unchanged status will get lost once an upstream change is pulled.