我正在尝试根据地理位置对 Instagram 和 Twitter 进行网络抓取.我可以运行查询搜索,但在将网页重新加载到更多并将字段存储到数据框时遇到了挑战.
I am trying to web scrape both Instagram and Twitter based on geolocation.I can run a query search but I am having challenges in reloading the web page to to more and store the fields to data-frame.
我确实找到了几个无需 API 密钥的网络抓取 twitter 和 Instagram 示例.但它们与#tags 关键字有关.
I did find couple of examples for web scraping twitter and Instagram without API keys. But they are with respect to #tags keywords.
我正在尝试根据地理位置和旧日期进行抓取.到目前为止,我已经在 python 3.X 中编写代码以及在 anaconda 中编写了所有最新版本的软件包.
I am trying to scrape with respect to geo location and between old dates. so far I have come this far with writing code in python 3.X and all the latest versions of packages in anaconda.
Instagram - Components
"id": "1478232643287060472",
"dimensions": {"height": 1080, "width": 1080},
"owner": {"id": "351633262"},
"thumbnail_src": "https://instagram.fdel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/17439262_973184322815940_668652714938335232_n.jpg",
"is_video": false,
"code": "BSDvMHOgw_4",
"date": 1490439084,
"display_src": "https://instagram.fdel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/17439262_973184322815940_668652714938335232_n.jpg",
"caption": "Hakuna jambo zuri kama kumpa Mungu shukrani kwa kila jambo.. ud83dude4fud83cudffe
Its weekend
#happysoul ud83dude00",
"comments": {"count": 42},
"likes": {"count": 3813}},
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
#from selenium import selenium
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas
#geotags = pd.read_csv("geocodes.csv")
#parmalink =
query = geocode%3A35.68501%2C139.7514%2C30km%20since:2016-03-01%20until:2016-03-02&f=tweets
twitterURL = 'https://twitter.com/search?q=' + query
#instaURL = "https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/213385402/"
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
content = browser.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
print (soup)
对于 Twitter 搜索查询,我收到语法错误
For Twitter Search Query I am getting syntax error
对于 Instagram,我没有收到任何错误,但我无法重新加载更多帖子并写回 csv 数据帧.
For Instagram I am not getting any error but I am not able to reload for more posts and write back to csv dataframe.
我还尝试在 Twitter 和 Instagram 中使用经纬度搜索进行搜索.
I am also trying to search with latitude and longitude search in both Twitter and Instagram.
我在 csv 中有一个地理坐标列表,我可以使用该输入或编写搜索查询.
I have a list of geo coordinates in csv I can use that input or can write a query for search.
Any way to complete the scraping with location will be appreciated.
我设法使用 requests
I managed to make it work using requests
. Your code would look something like this:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
query = "geocode%3A35.68501%2C139.7514%2C30km%20since:2016-03-01%20until:2016-03-02&f=tweets"
twitter = 'https://twitter.com/search?q=' + query
content = requests.get(twitter)
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text)
对象来解析您需要的内容.如果您的查询正确,同样的事情应该适用于 Instagram.
Then you can use the soup
object to parse what you need. The same thing should work for Instagram, if your query is correct.
这篇关于使用 Selenium Python 进行网页抓取 [Twitter + Instagram]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!