我正在为现有的 JavaScript 应用编写一个插件 - Forge Autodesk.查看
I am writing a plugin for existing JavaScript app - Forge Autodesk.Viewing
在第 6 版之后,他们在他们的应用程序包中包含了 THREE.js.
After version 6 they have included THREE.js inside of their app bundle.
Right now I'm able to use it with my plugin like this:
declare var THREE:any;
but I lose all types, so I install three.js by:
npm install --save three
I'm able to use THREE, and import it, but I don't need to Import it as I already have it in my main app. What I need to do is to reference types, so I tried to do something like this:
declare var THREE:THREE;
//Cannot use namespace 'THREE' as a type.
const planes:THREE.Plane[] = []; //this line is okey
planes.push(new THREE.Plane()); //but this says
//'THREE' refers to a UMD global,
// but the current file is a module.
// Consider adding an import instead.
Tsc 坚持我们应该导入它:
Tsc insists that we should import it:
import * as THREE from 'three';
它编译没有任何问题,但是当我启动应用程序时它崩溃了,因为它试图再获取一个 THREE.js 的实例,我没有提供它,因为我在主应用程序中有它.
It compiles without any issues, but when I launch the app it crash, because it's trying to get one more instance of THREE.js, which I do not provide because I have it inside main app.
如何声明正确的引用并保留对主 JavaScript 应用程序可用的命名空间的类型?
How to declare the correct reference and keep types to an namespace which is available at main JavaScript application?
'THREE' refers to a UMD global, but the current file is a module. Consider adding an import instead.
您可以尝试使用 tsconfig.json 中的选项:
You may try to use option in tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"allowUmdGlobalAccess": true,
这将使编译器可以访问 UMD 全局,因此在这种情况下您无需导入或引用此类模块.
This will give compiler access to UMD global, so you do not need to import or reference such modules in that case.
And it's exact the case with three.js They alredy add THREE namespace as module to UMD global scope. So if you need to include this module you should import. If you want only reference you could use this option. If typescript doesn't recognize this option in config just update your typescript.
npm install typescript
感谢亲爱的 SalientBrain 和亲爱的 Petr Broz 的关注和帮助.
Thank you dear SalientBrain and dear Petr Broz for your attention and help.
这篇关于如何声明对现有命名空间的引用,该命名空间在运行时可从 JavaScript 包获得的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!