


class A;

struct B {
    static void doIt(A* pa);

struct C {
    static void doIt(A* pa);

class A {
    int i = 9;
    // below works but requires a line per each type
    friend void B::doIt(A* pa);
    friend void C::doIt(A* pa);

    // the below however doesn't work
    // template<typename T>
    // friend void T::doIt(A* pa);
      // (gcc error: member 'void T::doIt(A*)' declared as friend before type 'T' defined)
      // (clang just ignores the above and the error is on accessing A::i in B and C)

void B::doIt(A* pa) {
    cout << pa->i << endl;

void C::doIt(A* pa) {
    cout << pa->i *2 << endl;

int main() {
    A a;

是否可以替换多个friend声明以允许所有void T::doIt(A* pa)方法访问A的私有成员?

Is it possible to replace the multiple friend declarations to allow all void T::doIt(A* pa) methods access the private members of A?


Trying to instantiate B and C above A doesn't help.



I believe something similar to what you desire can be done using CRTP and private/protected virtual inheritance. The code below is only demonstration and definitely needs some work e.g. to not to involve template method friendship:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class base {
    int i = 9;

template <class F>
class crtp_base: virtual base { // private inheritance!
    template <class T>
    friend void F::doIt(T*);

template <class... AllF>
struct crtp_bases: crtp_base<AllF>... { };

struct B {
    template <class T>
    static void doIt(T* pa);

struct C {
    template <class T>
    static void doIt(T* pa);

class A: public crtp_bases<B, C> {

template <class T>
void B::doIt(T* pa) {
    cout << pa->i << endl;

template <class T>
void C::doIt(T* pa) {
    cout << pa->i * 2 << endl;

int main() {
    A a;
    //cout << a.i << endl; // error i is private member of 'base'



05-28 01:20