


I'd like to declare first of all, that I'm a mathematician. This might be a stupid stupid question; but I've gone through all the matlab tutorials--they've gotten me nowhere. I imagine I could code this in C (it'd be exhausting); but I need matlab for this particular function. And I don't get exactly how to do it.


Here is the pasted Matlab code of where I'm running into trouble:

function y = TAU(z,n)
   for i =[1,n]
       y(z) = log(beta(z+1,i) + y(z+1)) - beta(z,i);


(beta is an arbitrary "float" to "float" function with an index i.)

我无法将 y 声明为函数,在该函数中我们以不同的参数调用该函数.我想用一些y_ {n-1}(z + 1)定义y_n(z).所有这些都是在递归过程中完成的,以创建函数.我真的感觉自己想念一些愚蠢的东西.

I'm having trouble declaring y as a function, in which we call the function at a different argument. I want to define y_n(z) with something something y_{n-1}(z+1). This is all done in a recursive process to create the function. I really feel like I'm missing something stupid.

作为默认函数,它将y分配为数组(或任何您称为默认索引赋值).但是我不想要一个数组.我希望将y分配为功能".类(即浮动"到浮动").然后我定义了y_n的序列:到浮动".因此,z到z + 1是"float"图上的映射.到浮动".

As a default function it assigns y to be an array (or whatever you call the default index assignment). But I don't want an array. I want y to be assigned as a "function" class (i.e. takes "float" to "float"). And then I'm defining a sequence of y_n : "float" to "float". So that z to z+1 is a map on "float" to "float".


I don't know if I'm asking too much of matlab...

帮助一个自 X-box mods 的辉煌时代以来就没有编码过的可怜的数学家.

Help a poor mathematician who hasn't coded since the glory days of X-box mods.


...Please don't tell me I have to go back to Pari-GP/C drawing boards over something so stupid.



At rahnema1 & mimocha's request, I'll describe the math, and of what I am trying to do with my program. I can't see how to implement latex in here. So I'll write the latex code in a generator and upload a picture. I'm not so sure if there even is a work around to what I want to do.


As to the expected output. We'd want,


And we want to grow i to a fixed value n. Again, I haven't programmed in forever, so I apologize if I'm speaking a little nonsensically.

所以,正如@ rahnema1所建议的那样;我应该举一个可重复的例子.为了做到这一点,我将为我的beta函数编写代码.非常简单.这是针对乘数"为0的情况.变量设置为log(2);但您不必为此担心.

So, as @rahnema1 suggests; I should produce a reproducible example. In order to do this, I'll write the code for my beta function. It's surprisingly simple. This is for the case where the "multiplier" variable is set to log(2); but you don't need to worry about any of that.

function f = beta(z,n)
    for i = 0:n-1
        f = exp(f)/(1+exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));


This will work fine for z a float no greater than 4. Once you make z larger it'll start to overflow. So for example, if you put in,





beta(3,100) - exp(beta(2,100))/(1/4+1)



The significance of the 100, is simply how many iterations we perform; it converges fast so even setting this to 15 or so will still produce the same numerical accuracy. Now, the expected output I want for TAU is pretty straight forward,

TAU(z,1) = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1)
TAU(z,2) = log(beta(z+1,2) + TAU(z+1,1)) - beta(z,2)
TAU(z,3) = log(beta(z+1,3) + TAU(z+1,2)) - beta(z,3)
TAU(z,n) = log(beta(z+1,n) + TAU(z+1,n-1)) -beta(z,n)


I hope this helps. I feel like there should be an easy way to program this sequence, and I must be missing something obvious; but maybe it's just not possible in Matlab.


At mimocha's suggestion, I'll look into tail-end recursion. I hope to god I don't have to go back to Pari-gp; but it looks like I may have to. Not looking forward to doing a deep dive on that language, lol.




function out = tau(z,n)
    % Ends recursion when n == 1
    if n == 1
       out = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1);

    out = log(beta(z+1,n) + tau(z+1,n-1)) - beta(z,n);

function f = beta(z,n)
    f = 0;
    for i = 0:n-1
        f = exp(f) / (1 + exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));

这基本上是您最近一次编辑中的代码,但是我在 tau 函数中添加了一个简单的功能.我尝试运行您的代码,发现 n 无限减小(无退出条件).

This is basically your code from the most recent edit, but I've added a simple catch in the tau function. I tried running your code and noticed that n gets decremented infinitely (no exit condition).

通过修改,代码可以在我的笔记本电脑上成功运行 n 的较小整数值,其中 1e5>n> = 1 ;对于 z 的浮点数,实数和复数.因此,不幸的是,由于 n 的浮动值,该代码将中断,因为我不知道要返回什么值,例如 tau(1,0)tau(1,0.9).如果您知道数学的话,这应该很容易解决.

With the modification, the code runs successfully on my laptop for smaller integer values of n, where 1e5 > n >= 1; and for floating values of z, real and complex. So the code will unfortunately break for floating values of n, since I don't know what values to return for, say, tau(1,0) or tau(1,0.9). This should easily be fixable if you know the math though.

但是,我得到的许多值都是 NaN s或 Inf s.因此,我不确定您的原始问题是否是内存不足错误(无限递归)或值爆炸到无穷大/NaN(数值稳定性问题).

However, many of the values I get are NaNs or Infs. So I'm not sure if your original problem was Out of memory error (infinite recursion), or values blowing up to infinity / NaN (numerical stability issue).


然后我对 z 的负值进行了测试,发现了虚部输出看起来很酷.

Then I tested on negative values of z, and found the imaginary part of the output to looks kinda cool.


Not to mention I'm slightly geeking out over the fact that pi is showing up in the imaginary part as well :)

tau(-0.3,2)== -1.45179335740446147085 + 3.14159265358979311600i

tau(-0.3,2) == -1.45179335740446147085 +3.14159265358979311600i


05-28 00:23