


Trying to implement a LinkedList in Scala. I'm quite comfortable with creating an immutable List as an ADT in scala like the following.

sealed trait List[+A]
case object Nil extends List[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A]


But trying to create a java style linkedlist with "null" termination seems very hard in scala, given there is a null reference in Scala.


sealed trait Node[+A]
case object Empty extends Node[Nothing]
case class LinkedList[A](var head: A,var tail: Node[A]) extends Node[A]


LinkedList is a case class with mutable members, seems very wrong to me. But since I would have to differentiate between Empty and LinkedList before every operation, i need the help of pattern matching.


Is this the right way to do it? or is there an better way to do it?


Also in the second example i'm not able to have a co-variant type like this

case class LinkedList[+A](var head: A,var tail: Node[A]) extends Node[A]


不,你不应该这样做。将方法添加到 Node 并在 LinkedList 相反。当你需要模式匹配时,你可以:

No, you shouldn't have to do that. Add methods to Node and implement them differently in Empty and LinkedList instead. When you do need to pattern match, you can:

val x: Node[A] = ...
x match {
  case Empty => ...
  case nonEmpty: LinkedList[A] => ... // use nonEmpty

不进行 LinkedList的原因案例类只是它自动允许对链表无意义的操作。

The reason not to make LinkedList a case class is just that it automatically allows operations which make no sense for linked lists.

此外,您当前的定义不允许创建一个空列表,然后向其添加一个元素(而不是创建一个新列表)。对于可变链表,列表不能 节点;它应引用到节点。

In addition, your current definition doesn't allow to create an empty list and then add an element to it (as opposed to creating a new list). For mutable linked lists, a list can't be a node; it should refer to nodes instead.


object LinkedList {
  private sealed trait MaybeNode[A] // can't be covariant!
  private case class Empty[A]() extends MaybeNode[A]
  private class Node[A](var value: A, var next: MaybeNode[A])
class LinkedList[A] {
  private var first: MaybeNode[A] = Empty()
  def add(x: A): Unit = ???
  def length: Int = ???
  // any other methods you want to support


(This is a singly-linked list, not a doubly-linked one like in Java.)


05-27 23:48