好的,我在我的代码中实现了这个 SO 问题:随机返回真或假
Okay, I implemented this SO question to my code: Return True or False Randomly
但是,我有一个奇怪的行为:我需要同时运行十个实例,每个实例每次运行只返回一次 true 或 false.令人惊讶的是,无论我做什么,每次我得到的只是 false
But, I have strange behavior: I need to run ten instances simultaneously, where every instance returns true or false just once per run. And surprisingly, no matter what I do, every time i get just false
有什么可以改进的方法,所以我至少有大约 50% 的机会获得 true
Is there something to improve the method so I can have at least roughly 50% chance to get true
为了更容易理解:我将我的应用程序构建为 JAR 文件,然后通过批处理命令运行
To make it more understandable: I have my application builded to JAR file which is then run via batch command
java -jar my-program.jar
程序的内容 - 使其尽可能简单:
Content of the program - to make it as simple as possible:
public class myProgram{
public static boolean getRandomBoolean() {
return Math.random() < 0.5;
// I tried another approaches here, still the same result
public static void main(String[] args) {
如果我打开 10 个命令行并运行它,我每次都会得到 false
If I open 10 command lines and run it, I get false
as result every time...
我推荐使用 Random.nextBoolean()
话虽如此,Math.random() <0.5
That being said, Math.random() < 0.5
as you have used works too. Here's the behavior on my machine:
$ cat myProgram.java
public class myProgram{
public static boolean getRandomBoolean() {
return Math.random() < 0.5;
//I tried another approaches here, still the same result
public static void main(String[] args) {
$ javac myProgram.java
$ java myProgram ; java myProgram; java myProgram; java myProgram
Needless to say, there are no guarantees for getting different values each time. In your case however, I suspect that
A) you're not working with the code you think you are, (like editing the wrong file)
B) 你在测试时没有编译你的不同尝试,或者
B) you havn't compiled your different attempts when testing, or
C) 您正在使用一些非标准的损坏实现.
C) you're working with some non-standard broken implementation.