


It's my understanding that common wisdom says to only use exceptions for truly exceptional conditions (In fact, I've seen that statement here at SO several times).

然而,Krzysztof Cwalina说:

However, Krzysztof Cwalina says:


He then also goes on to say that exceptions should be used for:

  • 使用错误

  • 程序错误

  • 系统故障

考虑到Krzysztof Cwalina是MS的CLR团队的PM我问:想想他的陈述?

Considering Krzysztof Cwalina is the PM for the CLR team at MS I ask: What do you think of his statement?



This sounds over-simplistic, but I think it makes sense to simply use exceptions where they are appropriate. In languages like Java and Python, exceptions are very common, especially in certain situations. Exceptions are appropriate for the type of error you want to bubble up through a code path and force the developer to explicitly catch. In my own coding, I consider the right time to add an exception when the error either can't be ignored, or it's simply more elegant to throw an exception instead of returning an error value to a function call etc.


Some of the most appropriate places for exceptions that I can think of offhand:

  • NotImplementedException - 指定特定

  • OutOfMemory 异常 - 很难想象一种更好的方法来处理这种

  • NullPointerException - 访问一个空变量是程序员的错误,而IMO

  • ArrayIndexException - 在一个不可宽恕的语言,如C,缓冲区溢出
    是灾难性的。 Nicer语言可能会返回某个类型的空值,或者在

  • NotImplementedException - very appropriate way of designating that a particularmethod or function isn't available, rather than simply returning without doinganything.
  • OutOfMemory exceptions - it's difficult to imagine a better way of handling thistype of error, since it represents a process-wide or OS-wide memory allocationfailure. This is essential to deal with, of course!
  • NullPointerException - Accessing a null variable is a programmer mistake, and IMOthis is another good place to force an error to bubble to the surface
  • ArrayIndexException - In an unforgiving language like C, buffer overflowsare disastrous. Nicer languages might return a null value of some type, or insome implementations, even wrap around the array. In my opinion, throwing anexception is a much more elegant response.

这绝对不是一个全面的列表,但希望可以说明这一点。使用异常,它们优雅而合乎逻辑。与编程一样,正确的工作是正确的工具是很好的建议。没有任何事情会出现异常 - 没有任何意义,但完全忽视一个强大而优雅的工具也是不明智的。

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but hopefully it illustrates the point. Use exceptions where they are elegant and logical. As always with programming, the right tool for the right job is good advice. There's no point going exception-crazy for nothing, but it's equally unwise to completely ignore a powerful and elegant tool at your disposal.


05-27 17:44