- 您是否仍然使用还是而不是?
- 怎么做软件架构师定义了系统的高级设计,以便开发人员遵循它?
- 当您应该展示解决方案的设计时,您向客户或新开发人员展示什么? ?
- 有没有什么比得上在功能世界?
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图片?只需为重要函数定义类型签名,然后将实现保留为 undefined
How do you deal with analysis and design phases when you plan to develop a system using a functional programming language like Haskell?
My background is in imperative/object-oriented programming languages, and therefore, I am used to use case analysis and the use of UML to document the design of program. But the thing is that UML is inherently related to the object-oriented way of doing software.
And I am intrigued about what would be the best way to develop documentation and define software designs for a system that is going to be developed using functional programming.
- Would you still use use case analysis or perhaps structured analysis and design instead?
- How do software architects define the high-level design of the system so that developers follow it?
- What do you show to you clients or to new developers when you are supposed to present a design of the solution?
- How do you document a picture of the whole thing without having first to write it all?
- Is there anything comparable to UML in the functional world?
I'm no professional but I'll try my hand at answering some of these questions.
I don't see why not. Gather use cases, and design a module API that you wish to expose that satisfies the use cases. Determine whether the use cases call for a typeclass, or for just plain functions.
I'm unfamiliar with that approach, but from what I gather from the wiki article, it looks like it would work just fine.
I would assume that they specify a module and the types that each part of the module should have. Again, I am not a professional, so I'm not really sure what is done in practice.
You show the clients something that will make sense to them. If your client is savvy enough, just show them the type signatures and explain the important functions. If they are less savvy, then draw pretty pictures, or whatever you have to do. OOP makes comparisons with real world objects, while FP makes comparisons with...well...functions. The typical way to illustrate a function to newbies is to portray it as a machine where you put certain things in, and then other things come out.
A "picture"? Just defining the type signature for the important functions, and then leave the implementation as undefined
. There's a package out there somewhere that gives you better stubs that will remind you at compile time which parts you still need to implement.