本文介绍了优化C ++二维数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要一种方法来表示C ++中的双精度二维数组(密集矩阵),并具有绝对最小的访问开销。

我在各种linux / unix机器和gcc版本上做了一些计时。一个STL向量向量,声明为:

  vector< vector< double> >矩阵(N,矢量<双>(N)); 

并通过矩阵[i] [j]访问

  double * matrix = new double [n]的访问速度比访问时缓慢5%到100% * N]; 

通过内联索引函数 matrix [index(i,j)] ,其中 index(i,j)的计算结果为i + n * j。其他安排没有STL的2-D数组的方法 - n个指向每行开始的指针数组,或者定义堆栈上的整个事物为常量大小 matrix [n] [n] - 以几乎与索引函数方法相同的速度运行。

最近的GCC版本(> 4.0)似乎能够编译STL vector-of-vectors在开启优化时与非STL代码效率几乎相同,但这有点依赖于机器。






I need a way to represent a 2-D array (a dense matrix) of doubles in C++, with absolute minimum accessing overhead.

I've done some timing on various linux/unix machines and gcc versions. An STL vector of vectors, declared as:

vector<vector<double> > matrix(n,vector<double>(n));

and accessed through matrix[i][j] is between 5% and 100% slower to access than an array declared as:

double *matrix = new double[n*n];

accessed through an inlined index function matrix[index(i,j)], where index(i,j) evaluates to i+n*j. Other ways of arranging a 2-D array without STL - an array of n pointers to the start of each row, or defining the whole thing on the stack as a constant size matrix[n][n] - run at almost exactly the same speed as the index function method.

Recent GCC versions (> 4.0) seem to be able to compile the STL vector-of-vectors to nearly the same efficiency as the non-STL code when optimisations are turned on, but this is somewhat machine-dependent.

I'd like to use STL if possible, but will have to choose the fastest solution. Does anyone have any experience in optimising STL with GCC?


If you're using GCC the compiler can analyze your matrix accesses and change the order in memory in certain cases. The magic compiler flag is defined as:


Note that this option is not enabled by -O2 or -O3. You have to pass it yourself.

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05-27 17:16