

我在什么地方学习曲线,当涉及到普通EX pressions,我需要用它们来自动修改函数原型在一堆C头文件。有谁知道一个像样的正规前pression找到在C头的任何和所有函数原型,而排除其他一切?


  1. 我不关心C ++中,只有直C.这意味着没有模板等可担心的。

  2. 解决方案必须以typedef和结构,不局限于只有基本的C类型的工作。

  3. 这是一种一次性的事情。它并不需要是pretty。我不在乎多少杂牌它,只要它的作品,但我不想要一个复杂的,难以实施的解决方案。



I'm somewhere on the learning curve when it comes to regular expressions, and I need to use them to automatically modify function prototypes in a bunch of C headers. Does anyone know of a decent regular expression to find any and all function prototypes in a C header, while excluding everything else?

Edit: Three things that weren't clear initially:

  1. I do not care about C++, only straight C. This means no templates, etc. to worry about.
  2. The solution must work with typedefs and structs, no limiting to only basic C types.
  3. This is kind of a one-off thing. It does not need to be pretty. I do not care how much of a kludge it is as long as it works, but I don't want a complex, hard to implement solution.

You may implement a parser using ANSI C yacc/lex grammar.


05-27 16:03