


I am trying to execute a function or a scriptblock in powershell and set a timeout for the execution.


Basically I have the following (translated into pseudocode):

function query{
    #query remote system for something

$computerList = Get-Content "C:\scripts\computers.txt"

foreach ($computer in $computerList){
    $result = query
    #do something with $result


The query can range from a WMI query using Get-WmiObject to a HTTP request and the script has to run in a mixed environment, which includes Windows and Unix machines which do not all have a HTTP interface.Some of the queries will therefore necessarily hang or take a VERY long time to return.In my quest for optimization I have written the following:

$blockofcode = {
    #query remote system for something

foreach ($computer in $computerList){
    $Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $blockofcode -ArgumentList $computer
    Wait-Job $Job.ID -Timeout 10 | out-null
    $result = Receive-Job $Job.ID
    #do something with result

但是不幸的是,工作似乎要承担很多开销.在我的测试中,以1.066秒(根据$ blockofcode中的计时器)执行的查询在作为Job执行时花了6.964秒才能返回结果.当然可以,但是我真的想减少这些开销.我也可以一起开始所有工作,然后等待它们完成,但是这些工作仍然可能会挂起或花很多时间来完成.

But unfortunately jobs seem to carry a LOT of overhead. In my tests a query that executes in 1.066 seconds (according to timers inside $blockofcode) took 6.964 seconds to return a result when executed as a Job. Of course it works, but I would really like to reduce that overhead. I could also start all jobs together and then wait for them to finish, but the jobs can still hang or take ridiculous amounts to time to complete.


So, on to the question: is there any way to execute a statement, function, scriptblock or even a script with a timeout that does not comprise the kind of overhead that comes with jobs? If possible I would like to run the commands in parallel, but that is not a deal-breaker.


Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated!

在混合的Windows/unix环境中运行Powershell V3

running powershell V3 in a mixed windows/unix environment



I think you might want to investigate using Powershell runspaces:

http ://learn-powershell.net/2012/05/13/using-background-runspaces-instead-of-psjobs-for-better-performance/


05-27 14:10