本文介绍了将 SKReferenceNode/SKScene 添加到 SpriteKit 中的另一个 SKScene的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在我的主 GameScene 中添加一个 SKScene.SKReferenceNode 似乎是一个不错的解决方案.

I would like to add a SKScene to my main GameScene. SKReferenceNode seems to be a good solution.

我有:- GameScene.sks(主场景)- Countdown.sks(添加到 GameScene 的场景)- Countdown.swift(自定义类,如何初始化?SKScene?SKReferenceNode?SKNode)

I have :- GameScene.sks (main scene)- Countdown.sks (scene to add to GameScene)- Countdown.swift (Custom class, how does to init it? SKScene ? SKReferenceNode ? SKNode)

我不知道如何使用我的类 Countdown 以编程方式添加我的倒计时.

I don't know how to add programmatically my countdown using my class Countdown.


 let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Countdown", ofType: "sks")
 let cd = SKReferenceNode (url: NSURL (fileURLWithPath: path!) as URL) as! Countdown
 cd.name = "countdown"


 Could not cast value of type 'SKReferenceNode' (0x10d97ad88) to 'LYT.Countdown' (0x10a5709d0


I also tried something more simple like:

 let cd=Countdown(scene:self)

但我不知道如何使用 Countdown.sks 文件初始化类.

But I don't know how to init the class using the Countdown.sks file.

我知道我也有可能创建一个 SKNode 类,并以编程方式 100% 初始化它,但使用关联的 .sks 文件以使用 Xcode 场景编辑器对我来说非常重要.

I know I also have the possibility to create a SKNode class, and init it 100% programmatically, but it really important for me to use the associated .sks file in order to use the Xcode scene editor.



I do that, I don't know if is the best way to do this, but works:

我有 2 个文件 Dragon.swift 和 sks

I've 2 file Dragon.swift and sks

我添加了一个主"节点,例如 DragonNode 和其他节点子节点

I've added a "main" node like DragonNode and other node children of this

现在,DragonNode 是一个自定义类,在 sks 文件中设置它:

Now, the DragonNode is a custom class, set it in sks file:

DragonNode 是一个普通的 SKSpriteNode

The DragonNode is a normal SKSpriteNode

class DragonNode: SKSpriteNode, Fly, Fire {

    var head: SKSpriteNode!
    var body: SKSpriteNode!
    var shadow: SKSpriteNode!
    var dragonVelocity: CGFloat = 250

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

        //Example other node from sks file
        body = self.childNodeWithName("Body") as! SKSpriteNode
        head = body.childNodeWithName("Head") as! SKSpriteNode
        shadow = self.childNodeWithName("Shadow") as! SKSpriteNode
        shadow.name = "shadow"

    //Dragon Func
    func fireAction () {}
    func flyAction () {}

在场景中,添加一个 SKReferenceNode:

Inside the scene, add a SKReferenceNode:

在 SKScene 代码中:

In the SKScene code:

    let dragonReference = self.childNodeWithName("DragonReference") as! SKReferenceNode

    let dragonNode = dragonReference.getBasedChildNode() as! DragonNode
    //Now you can use the Dragon func

getBasedChildNode() 是查找基于节点的扩展(第一个)

getBasedChildNode() is an extension to find your based node (the first one)

extension SKReferenceNode {
    func getBasedChildNode () -> SKNode? {
        if let child = self.children.first?.children.first {return child}
        else {return nil}

这篇关于将 SKReferenceNode/SKScene 添加到 SpriteKit 中的另一个 SKScene的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 08:39