我在下面有一个脚本,它给出了与给定总和最接近的 2 个值.它还遍历给定和的列表,并在每次迭代后删除已使用的数字.
I have a script below that gives the closest 2 values to a given sum. It also iterates through a list of given sums and after each iteration removes the numbers that have already been used.
我需要修改这个脚本,以便它生成最接近每个总和的必要数量的值,而不是 2.脚本需要接受浮点值并且不能重复使用值.实际上,它需要选择最接近目标的最有效的集合,更新该集合以删除使用的值,然后移动到下一个目标等..
I need to modify this script so that it produces a necessary amount of values closest to each sum, rather than 2. The script needs to accept float values and cannot re-use values. Effectively it needs to pick the most efficient set closest to target, update the set to remove values used, then move on to next target etc..
对于需要 3 个数字或 4 个数字等的特定用例/集合,它不能很好地工作,实际上最接近总和.我需要这个脚本也能够接受浮点值,这个脚本目前这样做.
With pairs it it doesn't work very well for specific use cases/sets that require 3 numbers or 4 etc. to actually get closest to the sum. I need this script to also be able to accept float values, which this script currently does.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Also if someone knows a better script for this, please let me know.
import sys
def find_closese_sum(numbers, target):
start = 0
end = len(numbers) - 1
result = sys.maxint
result_tuple = None
while start < end:
if numbers[start] + numbers[end] == target:
print 0, (numbers[start], numbers[end])
elif numbers[start] + numbers[end] > target:
if abs(numbers[start] + numbers[end] - target) < result:
result = abs(numbers[start] + numbers[end] - target)
result_tuple = (numbers[start], numbers[end])
end -= 1
if abs(numbers[start] + numbers[end] - target) < result:
result = abs(numbers[start] + numbers[end] - target)
result_tuple = (numbers[start], numbers[end])
start += 1
for i in result_tuple:
return result_tuple
if __name__ == "__main__":
target = [14,27,39]
numbers = [1,5,5,10,7,8,11,13,66,34]
print numbers
numbers = sorted(numbers)
for i in target:
result_shown = find_closese_sum(numbers, i)
print result_shown
我的回答,使用 python 3,但你应该能够轻松移植它.
My answer, using python 3 but you should be able to port it easily.
from itertools import combinations as c
if __name__ == "__main__":
target = [14,27,39]
numbers = [1,5,5,10,7,8,11,13,66,34]
for combo in range(1,4):
for i in target:
#lambda to find the difference between sum and target
diff = lambda x: abs(sum(x) - i)
#get all unique combinations
combos = {tuple(sorted(c)) for c in c(numbers, combo)}
#sort them
combos = sorted(combos, key = diff)
#get the smallest difference
smallest = diff(combos[0])
#filter out combos larger than the smaller difference
result = [c for c in combos if diff(c) == smallest]
print('results for {}, best combinations are off by {}:'.format(i, smallest))
You stated you need to exclude numbers used for a previous result. To do that just remove them from the list:
#after print(result), inside the "for i in target" loop
#if you want to exclude all numbers used in all combinations
numbers = [n for n in numbers if n not in [b for a in result for b in a]]
#if you only need to remove the first match
numbers = [n for n in numbers if n not in result[0]]
这篇关于查找总和最接近给定数字的所有数字 python的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!