

我有一个应用程序使用Jaxb进行XML< - >转换,并使用maven-jaxb2-plugin自动生成类。

I have an application doing XML<->conversions using Jaxb and automatically generated classes with maven-jaxb2-plugin.


Someplace deep in my schema, I have the possibility to enter "ANY" xml.


Update: this better describes my schema. Some known XML wrapping a totally unknown part (the "any" part).

<xs:complexType name="MessageType">
    <xs:element name="XmlAnyPayload" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:any namespace="##any"/>
    <xs:element name="OtherElements">


This maps (by jaxb) to a inner class like this.

@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
public static class XmlAnyPayload {

    @XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
    protected Object any;

当我解组整个结构时,没问题。 Object any将呈现为org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl。现在,我想手动重新创建Java对象,然后转到XML。我如何获取一些随机XML并放入any(org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl)元素以构建Java对象?

When I unmarshall the entire structure, it is no problem. The "Object any" will render into a org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl. Now, I want to recreate the Java object manually and then go to XML. How do I take some random XML and put into the any (org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl) element to be able to build up the Java object?


Also, the next case is when I have this element as java, I want to unmarshall this very part (to be able to extract the XML string of this element). But this is not possible. I get an exception about root elements. But it is not possible to annotate ElementNSImpl.

unable to marshal type "com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.ElementNSImpl" as an element because it is missing an @XmlRootElement annotation


Do you have any suggestions on how to handle these problems?


@XmlAnyElement(lax = true)用简单的英语表示:

这正是发生的事情在你的情况下。因此,如果您想要实际解组此lax的内容,请为JAXB上下文提供您要解组的元素的映射。最简单的方法是使用 @XmlRootElement

This is exactly what is happening in your case. So if you want to actually unmarshal the content of this lax any, provide JAXB context with a mapping for the element you wish to unmarshal. The easiest way to do this is to annotate your class with @XmlRootElement

@XmlRootElement(name="foo", namespace="urn:bar")
public class MyClass { ... }

现在,当您创建JAXB上下文时,将 MyClass 添加到其中:

Now when you create your JAXB context, add MyClass into it:

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(A.class, B.class, ..., MyClass.class);

在这种情况下,如果JAXB符合 {urn:bar} foo 元素代替 xs:any ,它会知道这个元素被映射到 MyClass 并尝试解组MyClass。

In this case, if JAXB meets the {urn:bar}foo element in the place of that xs:any, it will know that this element is mapped onto MyClass and will try to unmarshal MyClass.

如果你是根据包名创建JAXB上下文(你可能会这样做),你仍然可以添加你的类(比方说, com.acme.foo.MyClass )。最简单的方法是创建 com / acme / foo / jaxb.in​​dex 资源:

If you are creating JAXB context based on the package name (you probably do), you can still add you class (say, com.acme.foo.MyClass) to it. The easiest way is to create a com/acme/foo/jaxb.index resource:



And the add your package name to the context path:

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.dar.gee.schema:com.acme.foo");

还有其他方法可以使用 ObjectFactory 等。 ,但是 jaxb.in​​dex 的技巧可能是最简单的。

There are other ways with ObjectFactory etc., but the trick with jaxb.index is probably the easiest one.

或者,不要在一个中解组所有内容运行时,您可以将 xs:any 的内容保留为DOM,并在第二次解组时将其解组到目标对象中,并使用其他JAXB上下文(知道您的 MyClass 类)。类似于:

Alternatively, instead of unmarshalling everything in one run, you can leave the content of xs:any as DOM and unmarshal it into the target object in a second unmarshalling with anothe JAXB context (which know your MyClass class). Something like:

JAXBContext payloadContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(MyClass.class);
payloadContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal((Node) myPayload.getAny());


This approach is sometimes better, especially when you have a combination of container/payload schemas which are relatively independent. Depends on the case.


All said above applies to marshalling as well. It's all neatly bidirectional.


05-26 23:59