from a remote service in one APK to an application in another. I'm not sure if this is even possible as the API demo code suggests that it isn't:
* This demonstrates the basic types that you can use as parameters
* and return values in AIDL.
void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat,
double aDouble, String aString);
而对于的writeTo / readFromParcel自动完成建议,其他类型是一种选择(虽然读选项不匹配写)。如果需要的话我会满足于仅仅的ArrayList。如果有可能,我更AP preciate一个指向一些示例code,还是有办法投上述类型分为远程接口AIDL东西可以接受的。任何人都可以摆脱在这个问题上任何光线好吗?
whilst the autocomplete for writeTo/readFromParcel suggests that other types are an option (though read options don't match write). I would settle for just ArrayList if necessary. If it is possible, I'd much appreciate a pointer to some sample code, or a way to cast the above types into something acceptable to the remote interface AIDL. Can anyone shed any light on this question please?
If what you want isn't on the list of supported methods, you can still send it provided that you write code to dump it out to a series of supported types and rebuild it on the other side.