我是JavaScript的新手,在学校里,我必须自动将页面上的每个< \ h1>生成为一个"ol",并在每个"li"中添加指向页面上该标头位置的链接被放置在最后,我有一个目录,每个"li"上都有链接.因此,我应该能够只写文本,而不必担心目录.有没有办法在不使用过于复杂的代码的情况下做到这一点?而且最好不要太长,这样我才能理解.
I'm new to JavaScript, and for school I have to automatically make every <\h1> on my page generate into an "ol" with in every "li" a link to the place on my page where that header is placed so in the end I have a table of contents with links on every "li". So I should be able to just write text and not worry about the table of contents. Is there a way to do this without using too complixated code? And preferably not very long so I can understand it.
<h1 id="h1-01">Title 1<\h1>
<h1 id="h1-02">Titel 2<\h1>
<h1 id="h1-03">Titel 3<\h1>
<h1 id="h1-04">Titel 4<\h1>
<li><a href="h1-01">Title 1</a></li>
<li><a href="h1-02">Title 2</a></li>
<li><a href="h1-03">Title 3</a></li>
<li><a href="h1-04">Title 4</a></li>
edit:I don't want anyone to make all of my homework, this is just a tiny tiny part of the homework even. What I want to know is how do I make an organized list with list items in javascript without too complicated code. I already found a way to put every header text in a variable.This is what I have
function generate(){
var titels = new Array();
for(var i = 1;i<10;i++){
var test = 'h1-0'+ i;
titels[i] = document.getElementById(test).textContent;
唯一的问题是我现在必须用这些变量列出一个列表,但是我没有在互联网上找到任何有用的东西,我发现所有使用Jquery ir的东西都是针对某个人的问题的.我还想一种方法来计算我正在使用的标头的数量,但这是另一个问题.实际上甚至有可能像我在写代码时那样实现代码吗?
The only problem is now that I have to make a list with these variables, but I haven't found anything usefull on the internet, everything that I've found uses Jquery ir is specific for someone's problem. I would also like a way to count the amount of headers I'm using but tthat's another question. Is it actually even possible to have code that gets literally implemented like I'm writing it?
for(var i = 1, i<10,i++){
html.write("<il>" + titels[i] + "<\il>");
A start hint:You could do it with the help of jquery.
<ol id=contents></ol>
bla bla
<h1> Test2 </h1>
Ble ble ble
$("#contents").append("<li>" + $(this).html() + "</li>");