我看到有人建议所有开发人员在他们的机器上设置一个符号链接,从 C:project.gitr-cache
到共享文件夹 \serverr-缓存
I've seen people recommend that all developers set up a symlink on their machine from C:project.gitr-cache
to a shared folder \serverr-cache
但是,如果可能的话,通过将文件夹包含在 git 存储库本身中来共享文件夹似乎更方便.我看到有人提到过这个解决方案,但实际上没有提到如何去做.
However, it would seem more convenient to share the folder by including it in the git repository itself, if that is possible. I've seen people mention this solution, but not actually how to do it.
It can be shared via a dedicated branch. You want to stop if there is a conflict on that branch and resolve it as it means that there were attempts to solve the same conflict in 2 different ways. Needless to say, that will be the exception to the rule.
For the others on this question, google "Branch per Feature" to see where this is useful.
Hooks 可以自动同步公共 rr-cache 分支.
Hooks can automate syncing the common rr-cache branch.
这是您需要自动化的内容.rereresharing 是您要合并到的示例分支,rr-cache 是存储分辨率的分支;所有这些步骤都没有问题:
Here is what you need to automate. rereresharing is an example branch that you are merging to, rr-cache is a branch that stores the resolutions; all these steps worked without issue:
git checkout --orphan rereresharing start-sprint-1
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache checkout -b rr-cache
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache add -A
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache commit -m "initial cache"
git clean -xdf
git checkout rereresharing
git merge --no-ff FTR-1
git merge --no-ff FTR-2
vim opinion.txt # resolve conflict
git add -A
git commit
git checkout rr-cache
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache add -A
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache commit -m "resolution"
git remote add origin ../bpf-central
git push origin rereresharing rr-cache
cd - # assumes you were previously in the other local repo
git remote add origin ../bpf-central
git fetch
git branch rr-cache origin/rr-cache
ls .git/rr-cache
git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=.git/rr-cache checkout rr-cache -- .
ls .git/rr-cache
You are now ready to do the same merge and you will have your conflict resolved.