ff< -structure(list(j.1 = 1 :13,j.2 = 2:14,j.3 = 3:15),.Names = c(j.1,j.2,j.3),row.names = c NA,-13L),class =data.frame)
删除所有具有单元格的行包含值 8,9,10
我想我可以使用 ff [! %c(8,9,10)中的ff [,1]%,%c(8,9)中的
或子集(ff,!ff [,1] ,10))
解决方案 应用
保持< - apply(ff,1,function(x)!any(x%in%8:10))
ff [保持,]
j.1 j.2 j。 3
1 1 2 3
2 2 3 4
3 3 4 5
4 4 5 6
5 5 6 7
11 11 12 13
12 12 13 14
13 13 14 15
I have big data frame with various numbers of columns and rows. I would to search the data frame for values of a given vector and remove the rows of the cells that match the values of this given vector. I'd like to have this as a function because I have to run it on multiple data frames of variable rows and columns and I wouls like to avoid for
for example
ff<-structure(list(j.1 = 1:13, j.2 = 2:14, j.3 = 3:15), .Names = c("j.1","j.2", "j.3"), row.names = c(NA, -13L), class = "data.frame")
remove all rows that have cells that contain the values 8,9,10
I guess i could use ff[ !ff[,1] %in% c(8, 9, 10), ]
or subset(ff, !ff[,1] %in% c(8,9,10) )
but in order to remove all the values from the dataset i have to parse each column (probably with a for
loop, something i wish to avoid).
Is there any other (cleaner) way?
Thanks a lot
解决方案 apply
your test to each row:
keeps <- apply(ff, 1, function(x) !any(x %in% 8:10))
which gives a boolean vector. Then subset with it:
j.1 j.2 j.3
1 1 2 3
2 2 3 4
3 3 4 5
4 4 5 6
5 5 6 7
11 11 12 13
12 12 13 14
13 13 14 15