我有一个bash shell脚本,在尝试mongorestore
I have a bash shell script which does a bunch of stuff before trying to mongorestore
I want to make sure that not only MongoDB is up, but it is also ready to accept connections before i try restore.
Right now, what I am seeing is, mongo process is up but it take 45+ seconds to do the initial setup (setting up journal files etc) before it is ready to accept connections. Ideally I want to keep testing the connection in a loop and only when I am able to connect, I want to run mongorestore
Can someone show me how to do this in Bash or point me in the right direction?
我最近遇到了同样的问题.我决定配置 mongod ,将其所有输出记录到日志文件中,然后在循环中检查日志文件,直到我们看到一些表明mongod准备就绪的输出为止.
I recently had the same problem. I decided to configure mongod to log all it's output to a logfile and then wait in a loop checking the logfile until we see some output that suggests mongod is ready.
This is an example logfile output line we need to wait for:
Tue Dec 3 14:25:28.217 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
This is the bash script I came up with:
# Initialize a mongo data folder and logfile
mkdir -p /data/db
touch /var/log/mongodb.log
# Start mongodb with logging
# --logpath Without this mongod will output all log information to the standard output.
# --logappend Ensure mongod appends new entries to the end of the logfile. We create it first so that the below tail always finds something
/usr/bin/mongod --quiet --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend &
# Wait until mongo logs that it's ready (or timeout after 60s)
grep -q 'waiting for connections on port' /var/log/mongodb.log
while [[ $? -ne 0 && $COUNTER -lt 60 ]] ; do
sleep 2
let COUNTER+=2
echo "Waiting for mongo to initialize... ($COUNTER seconds so far)"
grep -q 'waiting for connections on port' /var/log/mongodb.log
# Now we know mongo is ready and can continue with other commands
Notice the script will not wait forever, it will timeout after 60s - you may or may not want that depending on your use case.