


I'm using jq to parse a JSON file, extracting each JSON array in a series into a shell array.


for ((i = 0; i < ${#nvars[@]}; i++)); do
    v1=($(cat $INPUT | jq '."config"[i]."var1"[]'))
    echo $v1


error: i is not defined


v1=($(cat $INPUT | jq '."config"[i]."var1"[]'))


v1=($(cat $INPUT | jq '."config"[$i]."var1"[]'))


still not working. Any idea? Any help is appreciated!





There's a fair bit of room for improvement. Let's start here:

v1=($(cat $INPUT | jq '."config"[$i]."var1"[]'))

...首先,您实际上不需要使用cat;这会降低性能,因为它强制jq从管道而不是直接从输入文件读取.仅运行jq <"$INPUT"会更健壮(或者最好使用<"$input",以避免使用全大写名称,这是外壳程序内置函数和环境变量的常规约定).

...first, you don't actually need to use cat; it's slowing your performance, because it forces jq to read from a pipe rather than from your input file directly. Just running jq <"$INPUT" would be more robust (or, better, <"$input", to avoid using all-uppercase names, which are reserved by convention for shell builtins and environment variables).


Second, you need to quote all variable expansions, including the expansion of the input file's name -- otherwise, you'll get bugs whenever your filename contains spaces.

第三,array=( $(stuff) )stuff的输出拆分为 IFS中的所有字符,并将该拆分的结果扩展为一系列的glob表达式(因此,如果输出包含*.txt ,并且您在包含文本文件的目录中运行此脚本,则可以在结果数组中获得这些文件的名称).仅在换行符上进行拆分将意味着您可以正确解析多字字符串,并且必须先禁用glob扩展,然后才能在存在glob字符的情况下可靠地使用此技术.一种方法是在运行此命令之前设置IFS=$'\n'并运行set -h.另一个方法是将命令的输出重定向到while read循环(如下所示).

Third, array=( $(stuff) ) splits the output of stuff on all characters in IFS, and expands the results of that splitting as a series of glob expressions (so if the output contains *.txt, and you're running this script in a directory that contains text files, you get the names of those files in your result array). Splitting on newlines only would mean you could correctly parse multi-word strings, and disabling glob expansion is necessary before you can use this technique reliably in the presence of glob characters. One way to do this is to set IFS=$'\n' and run set -h before running this command; another is to redirect the output of your command into a while read loop (shown below).


Fourth, string substitution into code is bad practice in any language -- that way lies (local equivalents to) , allowing someone who's supposed to be able to only change the data passed into your process to provide content which is processed as executable code (albeit, in this case, as a jq script, which is less dangerous than arbitrary code execution in a more full-featured language; still, this can allow extra data to be added to the output).


Next, once you're getting jq to emit newline-separated content, you don't need to read it into an array at all: You can iterate over the content as it's written from jq and read into your shell, thus preventing the shell from needing to allocate memory to buffer that content:

while IFS= read -r; do
  echo "read content from jq: $REPLY"
done < <(jq -r --arg i "$i" '.config[$i | tonumber].var1[]' <"$input")


Finally -- let's say you do want to work with an array. There are two ways to do this that avoid pitfalls. One is to set IFS explicitly and disable glob expansion before the assignment:

IFS=$'\n' # split only on newlines
set -f
result=( $(jq -r ... <"$input") )


The other is to assign to your array with a loop:

result=( )
while IFS= read -r; do
  result+=( "$REPLY" )
done < <(jq -r ... <"$input")

...或者按照@JohnKugelman的建议,使用read -a一次操作读取整个数组:

...or, as suggested by @JohnKugelman, to use read -a to read the whole array in one operation:

IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a result < <(jq -r ... <"$input")


10-31 21:31