本文介绍了快速搜索并替换INT [C一些蚕食; microoptimisation]的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



的任务是找到一个INT32 predefined蚕食,并与其他四位替换它。例如,四位以搜索为0x5的;四位用来替换是0xe:

The task is to find a predefined nibble in int32 and replace it with other nibble. For example, nibble to search is 0x5; nibble to replace with is 0xe:

int:   0x3d542753 (input)
           ^   ^
output:0x3dE427E3 (output int)


There can be other pair of nibble to search and nibble to replace (known at compile time).

我检查了我的计划,这部分是最炎热的地方之一(gprof的证明,时间的75%是在功能);并且它被称为一个非常-非常多次(gcov的证明)。其实这是第三或嵌套循环的第四个环,具有运行计数估计的(N ^ 3)*(2 ^ n)的的,对于n = 18..24。

I checked my program, this part is one of most hot place (gprof proven, 75% of time is in the function); and it is called a very-very many times (gcov proven). Actually it is the 3rd or 4th loop of nested loops, with run count estimation of (n^3)*(2^n), for n=18..24.


My current code is slow (I rewrite it as function, but it is a code from loop):

static inline uint32_t nibble_replace (uint32_t A) __attribute__((always_inline))
  int i;
  uint32_t mask = 0xf;
  uint32_t search = 0x5;
  uint32_t replace = 0xe;
  for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if( (A&mask) == search ) 
        A = (A & (~mask) )   // clean i-th nibble
           | replace;        // and replace
    mask <<= 4; search <<= 4; replace <<= 4;
  return A;

是否有可能重写此功能和宏观并行的方式,使用一些位逻辑的魔力?魔术是像(T-0x11111111)及(〜T)-0x88888888 还可能与SSE *使用。检查链接的问题的接受的答案得到感慨一下需要魔法。

Is it possible to rewrite this function and macro in parallel way, using some bit logic magic? Magic is something like (t-0x11111111)&(~t)-0x88888888 and possibly usable with SSE*. Check the accepted answer of linked question to get feeling about needed magic.


My compiler is gcc452 and cpu is Intel Core2 Solo in 32bit mode (x86) or (in near future) in 64bit mode (x86-64).



This seemed like a fun question, so I wrote a solution without looking at other answers. This appears to be about 4.9x as fast on my system. On my system, it's also slightly faster than DigitalRoss's solution (~25% faster).

static inline uint32_t nibble_replace_2(uint32_t x)
    uint32_t SEARCH = 0x5, REPLACE = 0xE, ONES = 0x11111111;
    uint32_t y = (~(ONES * SEARCH)) ^ x;
    y &= y >> 2;
    y &= y >> 1;
    y &= ONES;
    y *= 15; /* This is faster than y |= y << 1; y |= y << 2; */
    return x ^ (((SEARCH ^ REPLACE) * ONES) & y);


I would explain how it works, but... I think explaining it spoils the fun.

这是SIMD 注意:这种东西是非常,非常容易量化。你甚至不必知道如何使用SSE或MMX。这是我如何向量化的:

Note on SIMD: This kind of stuff is very, very easy to vectorize. You don't even have to know how to use SSE or MMX. Here is how I vectorized it:

static void nibble_replace_n(uint32_t *restrict p, uint32_t n)
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        uint32_t x = p[i];
        uint32_t SEARCH = 0x5, REPLACE = 0xE, ONES = 0x11111111;
        uint32_t y = (~(ONES * SEARCH)) ^ x;
        y &= y >> 2;
        y &= y >> 1;
        y &= ONES;
        y *= 15;
        p[i] = x ^ (((SEARCH ^ REPLACE) * ONES) & y);

使用GCC,该功能将自动转换为SSE ​​code。在 -O3 ,假设正确使用 -march 标记。你可以通过 -ftree-矢量化-详细= 2 海湾合作委员会要求它打印出哪些循环已矢量化的,例如:

Using GCC, this function will automatically be converted to SSE code at -O3, assuming proper use of the -march flag. You can pass -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2 to GCC to ask it to print out which loops are vectorized, e.g.:

$ gcc -std=gnu99 -march=native -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o opt opt.c
opt.c:66: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.


Automatic vectorization gave me an extra speed gain of about 64%, and I didn't even have to reach for the processor manual.

编辑:我从 uint32_t的在自动量化版本变更类型 uint16_t 。这使总加速到超过原来的12倍左右。更改为 uint8_t有导致矢量失败。我怀疑还有用手工装配找到一些显著额外的速度,如果它是非常重要的。

I noticed an additional 48% speedup by changing the types in the auto-vectorized version from uint32_t to uint16_t. This brings the total speedup to about 12x over the original. Changing to uint8_t causes vectorization to fail. I suspect there's some significant extra speed to be found with hand assembly, if it's that important.

编辑2:更改 * = 7 * = 15 ,这个的失效速度测试。

Edit 2: Changed *= 7 to *= 15, this invalidates the speed tests.


Edit 3: Here's a change that is obvious in retrospect:

static inline uint32_t nibble_replace_2(uint32_t x)
    uint32_t SEARCH = 0x5, REPLACE = 0xE, ONES = 0x11111111;
    uint32_t y = (~(ONES * SEARCH)) ^ x;
    y &= y >> 2;
    y &= y >> 1;
    y &= ONES;
    return x ^ (y * (SEARCH ^ REPLACE));

这篇关于快速搜索并替换INT [C一些蚕食; microoptimisation]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-29 18:54