


I have been able to set this parameters like download folder and prompt for download in the following manner (Or similar, as I don't have that code right know):

 'extra_capabilities' => {
   'chromeOptions' => {
       'prefs' => {
           'download.default_directory' => '/Users/User/Desktop/my_folder',
           "download.prompt_for_download" => 0,
           "download.directory_upgrade" => 1,
   'binaray' => '/Users/User/Applications/Chromium',



I've been trying to do the same with firefox but I have not been able to get those properties anywhere. The only code I've found in other questions is for java using some profile objects which I think it's not available for perl.


This is a simplified version of my attempt but it doesn't seem to work. But it does not generate an exception either:

use Selenium::Firefox;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Selenium::Waiter qw/wait_until/;

my $driver = Selenium::Firefox->new(marionette_enabled => 1,
                                    capabilities => {
                                      "browser.download.folderList" => 2,
                                      "browser.helperapps.neverAsk.saveToDisk" => "tcx",
                                      "browser.download.dir" => '/Users/User/Desktop/myFolder/'
                                    } );

my $url_to_download = "http://blablabla.com/blabla.tcx";




Thanks to the help of @Corion I've been able to make it work. This is the code I've used to create the driver:

my $driver = Selenium::Firefox->new(marionette_enabled => 1,
                                    extra_capabilities => {
                                      'moz:firefoxOptions' => {
                                        'prefs' => {
                                          "browser.download.folderList" => 2,
                                          "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk" => "application/tcx+xml",
                                          "browser.download.dir" => '/Users/User/Desktop/myFolder/'
                                    } );

要获取 browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk属性,只需手动使用网络检查器并获取响应的内容类型。

In order to get the "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk" property just use the network inspector manually and get the content-type of the response.


10-29 13:18