we are trying to create call to MangoDB to receive all possible filters for products.
I will try to create example of our products
First product is Adidas Shoes which have two options to select - colour and size. But for different colours you have different sizes.
id: 1
name: "Adidas Shoes",
filters: [
code: "brand",
value: "Adidas"
code: "colour",
value: "white"
code: "size",
value: 41
code: "brand",
value: "Adidas"
code: "colour",
value: "white"
code: "size",
value: 42
code: "brand",
value: "Adidas"
code: "colour",
value: "white"
code: "size",
value: 43
code: "brand",
value: "Adidas"
code: "colour",
value: "blue"
code: "size",
value: 41
code: "brand",
value: "Adidas"
code: "colour",
value: "blue"
code: "size",
value: 44
Secon d产品为耐克鞋。
Second product is Nike Shoes.
id: 2
name: "Nike Shoes",
filters: [
code: "brand",
value: "Nike",
code: "colour",
value: "white",
code: "size",
value: 41,
code: "brand",
value: "Nike",
code: "colour",
value: "white",
code: "size",
value: 42,
code: "brand",
value: "Nike",
code: "colour",
value: "green",
code: "size",
value: 41,
id: 3
name: "Reebook Shoes",
filters: [
code: "brand",
value: "Reebook",
code: "colour",
value: "black",
code: "size",
value: 41,
as you can see option size is dependent on colour and colour is dependent on size.
How we can create MongoDb.aggregate to have all possible filters?
Brand: Adidas (1), Nike (1), Reebook (1)
尺寸: 41(3),42(2),43(1),44(1)
Size: 41 (3), 42 (2), 43 (1), 44 (1)
Colour: White (2), Blue (1), Green (1), Black (1)
并且通话应独立关于我们有多少个过滤器(带有一个选项的产品,具有更多选项的产品和不同的过滤器)。您能解释一下在这种情况下如何使用$ group,$ unwind吗?以及我们以后如何使用$ facet改善它?
And call should be independent on how many and which filters we have (products with one option, products with more options and different filters). Can you explain how to use $group, $unwind in this situation? And how we can improve it later with $facet?
facets: [
code: "brand",
values: [
name: "Adidas",
count: 1
name: "Nike",
count: 1
name: "Reebook",
count: 1
code: "size",
values: [
name: 41,
count: 3
name: 42,
count: 2
name: 43,
count: 1
name: 44,
count: 1
code: "colour",
values: [
name: "White",
count: 2
name: "Blue",
count: 1
name: "Green",
count: 1
name: "Black",
count: 1
facets: {
"brand": {
"Adidas": 1,
"size": {
"41": 3,
"colour": {
"White": 2,
This is our first stage. Next step will be how to search possible filters when I have selected Size: 41 and Colour: White.
Here is an aggregation that might work for you.
{$unwind: '$filters'},
{$unwind: '$filters'},
$group: {
_id: {code: '$filters.code', value: '$filters.value'},
products: {$addToSet: '$_id'}
$project: {
'filter.value': '$_id.value',
'filter.count': {$size: '$products'}
$group: {
_id: '$_id.code',
filters: {$push: '$filter'}
The data you need comes in a slightly different format because there's no easy way to convert array of grouped values to object properties.
如果已经选择了某些过滤器,则在第一个$ unwind之后需要另一个$ match阶段。
它还支持多选。假设我要使用Reebook / Adidas制造的白色/黑色鞋子。
If some filters are already selected you need another $match stage after the first $unwind.It also supports multi selects. Say I want white/black shoes made by Reebook/Adidas.
{$unwind: '$filters'},
$match: {
$and: [
//Add objects here fo everything that is selected already
{'filters': {$elemMatch: {code: 'colour', value: {$in: ['black', 'white']}}}},
{'filters': {$elemMatch: {code: 'brand', value: {$in: ['Adidas', 'Reebook']}}}}
{$unwind: '$filters'},
$group: {
_id: {code: '$filters.code', value: '$filters.value'},
products: {$addToSet: '$_id'}
$project: {
'filter.value': '$_id.value',
'filter.count': {$size: '$products'}
$group: {
_id: '$_id.code',
filters: {$push: '$filter'}
选择Nike => Size and Color ar e按品牌过滤,但您仍然可以选择所有品牌。
选择耐克+ 42尺寸=>您只能选择42号尺寸的颜色,颜色和42号鞋的品牌。
The last thing is the dependent behavior like this:Select Nike => Size and Color are filtered by brand but you are still able to select all brands.Select Nike + 42 Size => You can select only brands having size 42, colors and brands for which there are shoes of 42 size. And so on.
您可以利用$ facet来实现。实际上是下一个想法。
You can leverage $facet for it. In fact when the idea is next.If we're calculating brands - we should filter records by what's selected in size and color dropdowns.If we're calculating size - applying color and brand. Same logic for color.
以下是在mongo shell中工作的代码:
Here is the code that worked in mongo shell:
//This hash is going to by dynamic
//Add and remove properties, change $in arrays
//Depending on what user does
var conditionsForUserSelect = {
'colour': {'filters': {$elemMatch: {code: 'colour', value: {$in: ['green']}}}},
'brand': {'filters': {$elemMatch: {code: 'brand', value: {$in: ['Nike']}}}},
'size': {'filters': {$elemMatch: {code: 'size', value: {$in: [41]}}}}
var getFacetStage = function (code) {
//Empty object, accept all filters if nothing is selected
var matchStageCondition = {};
var selectedFilters = Object.keys(conditionsForUserSelect);
if (selectedFilters && selectedFilters.length) {
//Take all queries EXCEPT for the passed
//E.g. if we are counting brand filters then we should apply color and size.
//Because for example if no size/colour selected we should
//allow all brands even if Reebok is selected
var conditionsToApply = selectedFilters
.filter(function (key) {
return key !== code
.map(function (key) {
return conditionsForUserSelect[key]
if (conditionsToApply && conditionsToApply.length) {
matchStageCondition = {
$and: conditionsToApply
return [
{$unwind: '$filters'},
$match: matchStageCondition
{$unwind: '$filters'},
$group: {
_id: {code: '$filters.code', value: '$filters.value'},
products: {$addToSet: '$_id'}
$project: {
'filter.value': '$_id.value',
'filter.count': {$size: '$products'}
$group: {
_id: '$_id.code',
filters: {$push: '$filter'}
$match: {_id: code}
$facet: {
colour: getFacetStage('colour'),
size: getFacetStage('size'),
brand: getFacetStage('brand')
这篇关于Mongo DB中的多面过滤器,用于具有多个选项的产品的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!