是否可以在Charts_flutter时间序列图的xAxis上设置标签格式以显示 hh:mm:ss 。 解释了如何格式化代码以显示月份和日期,但是我需要显示的信息已经收集了一些一分钟。
Is it possible to format the labels on the xAxis of a charts_flutter time series chart to display hh:mm:ss. This answer explains how to go about formatting the code to display months and days but the information I need to display is collected a few times a minute.
不允许指定秒数。以上问题的操作数暗示了 DateTimeFactory
doesn't allow for specifying seconds. The OP on the above question alluded to a DateTimeFactory
which is mentioned in the charts_flutter gallery, but I'm also unsure how to use this, or if it is even of any use in this situation.
new charts.TimeSeriesChart(
animate: false,
primaryMeasureAxis: new charts.NumericAxisSpec(
tickProviderSpec: new charts.BasicNumericTickProviderSpec(zeroBound: false)
domainAxis: new charts.DateTimeAxisSpec(
tickFormatterSpec: new charts.AutoDateTimeTickFormatterSpec(
hour: new charts.TimeFormatterSpec(format: 'hh', transitionFormat: 'dd/MM hh:mm'),
或者,我可以使用其他图表来实现此功能吗?我看到 charts.BarChart
Alternatively, is there a different chart I could use that would allow for this functionality? I see that charts.BarChart
allows for Strings on the xAxis, but I specifically need a line chart - is there some way of specifying strings rather than datetimes on a line chart if the above formatting is not possible?
由于在 MinuteTimeStepper
,没有意义。标签之间可以达到的最小间隔似乎是5分钟。 MinuteTimeStepper
Because of a setting down in MinuteTimeStepper
, there's no point. The smallest interval that you can achieve between labels appears to be 5 minutes. The MinuteTimeStepper
defaults to intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes.
class MinuteTimeStepper extends BaseTimeStepper {
static const _defaultIncrements = const [5, 10, 15, 20, 30];
It has a constructor that allows you to pass in your own list, but I can't figure out how to get that to work.
相反,我只是将其修改为 const [1、5、10 ...
Instead, I just modified it to become const [1, 5, 10...
and that now draws labels with a 1 minute gap (if space is available).
Given that the closest the labels will be drawn (even with this change) is every minute, there's no point in including seconds.
Taking the sample and modifying the series data to
new TimeSeriesSales(new DateTime(2018, 8, 22, 13, 00, 00), 15),
new TimeSeriesSales(new DateTime(2018, 8, 22, 13, 00, 30), 5),
new TimeSeriesSales(new DateTime(2018, 8, 22, 13, 01, 00), 25),
new TimeSeriesSales(new DateTime(2018, 8, 22, 13, 01, 30), 20),
new TimeSeriesSales(new DateTime(2018, 8, 22, 13, 02, 00), 10),
给出读为 1 00 $的标签c $ c>,
和 02
(恰好是下午1点,过去1分钟和过去2分钟)生成的默认格式为 mm
和 h mm
gives labels that read 1 00
, 01
and 02
(1PM exactly, 1 minute past and 2 minutes past) which are generated by the default format of mm
and h mm
. Note that the points at the half minute are drawn, but not labeled, as expected.
如果您希望使用24小时格式,可以添加 TimeFormatterSpec
If you wanted these in 24 hour format you could add a TimeFormatterSpec
minute: new charts.TimeFormatterSpec(
format: 'mm', // or even HH:mm here too
transitionFormat: 'HH:mm',