


我有一个textarea的帖子。我想使用当前的Facebook php库来执行以下操作...

  $ description = $ _POST ['textarea_description' ]。 


$ attachment = array(
'access_token'=> $ token,
'picture'=>$ image_url,
'link'=>$ action_link,
'name'=>$ action_label,
'caption'=>$ caption,
'actions'=> $ action_json,
'description'=>$ description,

$ facebook-> api('/'.$ my_uid。'/ feed','POST',$ attachment);


 < br> < br /> \\\
\r \\\
\r \r\\\

但我是确定我可能已经做了一些事来扭转我的测试..我只需要替换'魔术发生'与某些工作。现在它只是将所有的换行符转换成空格。令人沮丧的是。 Facebook的论坛上的人建议添加所有的东西...但似乎没有为我工作



我写了简单的功能,在每行行文本后添加& nbsp;

  public static function fbLinkDescriptionNewLines($ string){
$ parts = explode(\\\
,$ string );
$ row_limit = 60;

$ message ='';
foreach($ parts as $ part){
$ str_len = strlen($ part);
$ diff =($ row_limit - $ str_len);

$ message。= $ part; ($ i = 0; $ i $ = $ diff; $ i ++)

$ message。='& nbsp;';
return $ message;

注意:在字符串中,您必须使用 \ n 为新行。

It sounds like a pretty simple question but I can find the answer no where.

I have a post from a textarea. and I want to use the current facebook php library to do the following...

$description = $_POST['textarea_description'];

//magic happens

$attachment =  array(
'access_token' => $token,
'message' => "$title",
'picture' => "$image_url",
'link' => "$action_link",
'name' => "$action_label",
'caption' => "$caption",
'actions' => $action_json,
'description' => "$description",

$facebook->api('/'.$my_uid.'/feed', 'POST', $attachment);

and have it work. Right now it seems to ignore

<br> <br /> \n \r \n\r \r\n

but I am sure I might have done something to screw up my testing.. I just need to replace 'magic happens' with something that works. Right now it just converts all of the newlines I am throwing at it to spaces.. Pretty frustrating. Someone on the facebook forums suggested addslashed() of all things... but that did not seem to work for me



I write simple function which add &nbsp; after every row text.

public static function fbLinkDescriptionNewLines($string){
    $parts = explode("\n", $string);
    $row_limit = 60;

    $message = '';
    foreach($parts as $part){
      $str_len = strlen($part);
      $diff = ($row_limit - $str_len);

      $message .= $part;

      for($i=0; $i <= $diff; $i++){
        $message .= '&nbsp;';
    return $message;

NOTE: in your string you must use \n for new lines.


10-27 11:11