


I am currently working on a very basic assembler. The assembler needs to take in assembly instructions and output 16-bit binary instructions for use with a computer we are making.


My design strategy has been to create a Command class, that has 3 child classes. There is one for each type of command: A-commands, C-commands, and L-commands. To identify the type of command I am working with, I have included a string command_type that is either "A", "C", or "L" respectively.

strong> EDIT:


I am still having a lot of trouble figuring out how to properly derive these classes. Basically, A and L commands should have a "symbol" string, which represents an integer value that needs to be converted, while C commands have "dest","comp", and "jump" values that also must be accessed, however they do not have "symbol" values.


#include <fstream>
#include <string>

class Command {
    std::string command_type = "";
    void set_commandType(std::string x){command_type = x;}
    virtual ~Command();
    std::string commandType() const {return command_type;}

class A_COMMAND : public Command
    std::string symbol;
    A_COMMAND(std::string s);
    std::string get_symbol(){return symbol;}; //Returns the symbol or decimal Xxx of the current command @Xxx or (Xxx) . Should be called only when commandType() is A_COMMAND or L_COMMAND.


class C_COMMAND : public Command
    std::string comp;
    std::string dest;
    std::string jump;
    C_COMMAND(std::string s, std::string d, std::string j);
    std::string get_comp(){return comp;}; //Returns the comp mnemonic in the current C-command (28 possibilities). Should be called only when commandType() is C_COMMAND.
    std::string get_dest(){return dest;}; //Returns the dest mnemonic in the current C-command (8 possibilities). Should be called only when commandType() is C_COMMAND.
    std::string get_jump(){return jump;}; //Returns the jump mnemonic in the current C-command (8 possibilities). Should be called only when commandType() is C_COMMAND.

class L_COMMAND : public Command
    std::string symbol;
    L_COMMAND(std::string s);
    std::string get_symbol(){return symbol;}; //Returns the symbol or decimal Xxx of the current command @Xxx or (Xxx) . Should be called only when commandType() is A_COMMAND or L_COMMAND.


#include "Command.h"

//A-Command functions


A_COMMAND::A_COMMAND(std::string s) : symbol(s)

//C-Command functions

C_COMMAND::C_COMMAND(std::string c, std::string d, std::string j) : comp(c), dest(d), jump(j)

//L-Command functions

L_COMMAND::L_COMMAND(std::string s) : symbol(s)


I have a Parser.cpp and Parser.h that process the input and are responsible for creating a deque of commands:


#include "Command.h"
#include <vector>
#include <deque>

class Parser {
    std::deque<Command> commands;
    bool hasMoreCommands() //are there more commands in the input?
        if(commands.size() != 0)
            return true;
            return false;
    void advance(){commands.pop_front();} //move to next command, should only work if hasMoreCommands returns false}
    Command currentCommand(){return commands.front();}
    std::vector<std::string> translateCommands(); //convert commands into binary strings



#include "Parser.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

bool inList(std::string& str, std::vector<std::string> list) //check if a given string contains one of the elements in the comp, dest, jump vectors. if so extract string for use in constructor
    for(auto i = list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i)
        std::size_t found = str.find(*i);
            return true;
    return false;

Parser::Parser(std::vector<std::string> input) {
    std::vector<std::string> dest_list = {"","M","D","MD","A","AM","AD","AMD"}; //all possible dests
    std::vector<std::string> comp_list = {"0","1","D","A","!D","!A","-D","-A","D+1","A+1","D-1","A-1","D+A","D-A","A-D","D&A","D|A","M","!M","-M","M+1","M-1","D+M","D-M","M-D","D&M","D|M"}; //all possible comps
    std::vector<std::string> jump_list = {"","JGT","JEQ","JGE","JLT","JNE","JLE","JMP"}; //all possible jumps
    std::string dest, comp, jump;
    std::deque<Command> commands;
    for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i)
        std::string line = *i;
        if(*line.begin()=='@') //A-command
            A_COMMAND command(line.substr(1));
            std::cout << "Command type: " << command.commandType() << "\n";
            std::cout << "symbol: " << command.get_symbol() << "\n";
        else if(*line.begin()=='(' && *line.rbegin() == ')' && line.size() > 2) //L-command
            L_COMMAND command(line.substr(1, line.size() - 2));
            std::cout << "Command type: " << command.commandType() << "\n";
            std::cout << "symbol: " << command.get_symbol() << "\n";
            commands.push_back(command);        }
            std::string rhs = line;
            std::string dest_string = "";
            std::string comp_string = "";
            std::string jump_string = "";
            size_t equals_pos = line.find('='); //position of = in string, if present
            size_t semi_pos = line.find(';');   //position of ; in string, if present
             if(equals_pos != line.npos) //if there is an = then we have a dest
                 dest_string = line.substr(0,equals_pos);
                 rhs = line.substr(equals_pos+1);
             if(semi_pos != line.npos) //jump
                 comp_string = rhs.substr(0,semi_pos);
                 jump_string = rhs.substr(semi_pos+1);
             else //no jump
                 comp_string = rhs;

             //now confirm if inputs are valid
             if(inList(dest_string, dest_list))
                 dest = dest_string;
                 std::cout << "invalid dest \n";
             if(inList(comp_string, comp_list))
                 comp = comp_string;
                 std::cout << "invalid comp \n";
             if(inList(jump_string, jump_list))
                 jump = jump_string;
                 std::cout << "invalid jump \n";

             C_COMMAND command(comp, dest, jump);
             std::cout << "Command type: " << command.commandType() << "\n";
             std::cout << "dest: " << command.get_dest() << "\n";
             std::cout << "comp: " << command.get_comp() << "\n";
             std::cout << "jump: " << command.get_jump() << "\n";


My main.cpp loads the input, and passes it through the parser. The problem I have is that I cannot do anything with the input.


I have tried to write a function like so:

string translateLine(Command command, Code code) //Code is a table for translating the command
    string output;
    if(command.commandType() == "A")
        string symbol = parser.currentCommand().get_symbol();
        cout << symbol << endl;
        //perform binary conversion
    /*else if(command.commandType() == "C")
        string dest = command.get_dest();
     //shouldn't be any L commands in symbol-less version
        std::cout << "unexpected command value \n";
    return output;


But as soon as I call get_symbol(), the compiler doesn't recognize the function. I know that this is because the base Command doesn't have a get_symbol() function, but I can't figure out how to correctly add the functions to the base class and derive them to the lower 3. I can't just make the pure virtual because not all of the functions are used in each class. How can I correctly accomplish this?


首先,如果 translateLine()应该能够接受 A_COMMAND C_COMMAND L_COMMAND 对象,那么它需要一个 Command * 参数,而不是命令参数。指向基类的指针可以保存从该基类派生的类的指针,但是基类的对象不能保存派生对象。

First, if translateLine() should be able to accept A_COMMAND, C_COMMAND, or L_COMMAND objects, then it needs to take a Command* parameter, not a Command parameter. A pointer to a base class can hold a pointer to a class derived from that base, but an object of the base class cannot hold a derived object.

其次,调用属于 A_COMMAND 的函数,即使有一个命令指向真正指向 A_COMMAND 对象,而不执行 dynamic_cast dynamic_cast 可以将指针从 Command * 转换为 A_COMMAND 在运行时,如果指向的对象不是一个 A_COMMAND 对象,它将返回 NULL

Second, you cannot call a function that belongs to A_COMMAND even with a Command pointer that is really pointing to a A_COMMAND object without doing a dynamic_cast. A dynamic_cast can convert a pointer from Command* to A_COMMAND at run-time and will return NULL if the object pointed to is not really an A_COMMAND object.


10-25 07:52