


  _start :
mov ecx,buffer; buffer是一个数据字,在0小节中初始化.data
mov edx,03
mov eax,03; read
mov ebx,00; stdin
int 0x80
mov eax,04;写入
mov ebx,01; stdout
int 0x80


 #包括< stdio.h中> 
int x;
int main()
asm(movl $ 5,%% edx \\\
movl $ 0,%% ebx \\\
movl $ 3,%% eax \\\
int $ 0x80 \\\
mov %% ecx,x
: ::%eax,%ebx,%ecx,%edx);

return 0;

$ / code>




  #include< stdio.h> 

#define SYS_READ 3

int main()
char buff [10]; / *声明一个buff来保存返回的字符串。 * /
ssize_t charsread; / *返回的字符数。 * /

/ *使用约束将缓冲区大小转换为edx,stdin句柄号

秒读取更多的字符,它可以重新使用它们。 * /

asm volatile(int $ 0x80/ *调用系统调用中断* /
:= a(charsread)
:0(SYS_READ) ,b(STDIN_FILENO),c(buff),d(sizeof(buff))



回应Aanchal Dalmia的评论如下:

正如Timothy所说,即使你没有使用返回值,你也必须让gcc知道ax寄存器正在被修改。换句话说,删除= a(charsread)并不安全,即使它看起来可行。

2)我真的很困惑你观察到,除非buff是全局的,否则这段代码将无法工作。现在我有一个Linux的安装来玩,我能够重现错误,我怀疑我知道这个问题。我敢打赌你在x64系统上使用 int 0x80 。这不是你应该如何在64位调用内核。


  #include< stdio.h> 

#define SYS_READ 0
#define STDIN_FILENO 0

int main()
char buff [10]; / *声明一个buff来保存返回的字符串。 * /
ssize_t charsread; / *返回的字符数。 * /

/ *使用约束将缓冲区大小转换为rdx,stdin处理数字

秒读取更多的字符,它可以重新使用它们。 * /
$ b $ asm volatile(syscall/ * make syscall。* /
:= a(charsread)
:0(SYS_READ),D (STDIN_FILENO),S(buff),d(sizeof(buff))



这需要比我更好的linux专家来解释为什么<$ x64上的c $ c> int 0x80 不适用于堆栈变量。但是使用系统调用确实有效,并且syscall在x64上比int更快。


How to read from stdin and write to stdout in inline assembly gcc, just like we do it in NASM:

mov ecx, buffer ;buffer is a data word initialised 0h in section .data
mov edx, 03
mov eax, 03 ;read
mov ebx, 00 ;stdin
int 0x80
;Output the number entered
mov eax, 04 ;write
mov ebx, 01 ;stdout
int 0x80

I tried reading from stdin in inline assembly and then assign the input to x:

int x;
int main()
    asm(" movl $5,  %%edx \n\t" " 
    movl $0,  %%ebx \n\t" " 
    movl $3,  %%eax \n\t" " 
    int $0x80 \n\t "
    mov %%ecx,x" 
    ::: "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx");

    return 0;

However it fails to do so.

syscall from within GCC inline assembly

This link contains a code that is able to print only a single character to the stdout.


This code is based solely on my reading of linux references. I'm not on linux, so I cannot test it, but it should be pretty close. I would test it using redirection: a.out < foo.txt

#include <stdio.h>

#define SYS_READ 3

int main()
   char buff[10]; /* Declare a buff to hold the returned string. */
   ssize_t charsread; /* The number of characters returned. */

   /* Use constraints to move buffer size into edx, stdin handle number
      into ebx, address of buff into ecx.  Also, "0" means this value
      goes into the same place as parameter 0 (charsread).  So eax will
      hold SYS_READ (3) on input, and charsread on output.  Lastly, you
      MUST use the "memory" clobber since you are changing the contents
      of buff without any of the constraints saying that you are.

      This is a much better approach than doing the "mov" statements
      inside the asm.  For one thing, since gcc will be moving the 
      values into the registers, it can RE-USE them if you make a 
      second call to read more chars. */

   asm volatile("int $0x80" /* Call the syscall interrupt. */
      : "=a" (charsread) 
      : "0" (SYS_READ), "b" (STDIN_FILENO), "c" (buff), "d" (sizeof(buff))
      : "memory", "cc");

    printf("%d: %s", (int)charsread, buff);

    return 0;

Responding to Aanchal Dalmia's comments below:

1) As Timothy says below, even if you aren't using the return value, you must let gcc know that the ax register is being modified. In other words, it isn't safe to remove the "=a" (charsread), even if it appears to work.

2) I was really confused by your observation that this code wouldn't work unless buff was global. Now that I have a linux install to play with, I was able to reproduce the error and I suspect I know the problem. I'll bet you are using the int 0x80 on an x64 system. That's not how you are supposed to call the kernel in 64bit.

Here is some alternate code that shows how to do this call in x64. Note that the function number and the registers have changed from the example above (see http://blog.rchapman.org/post/36801038863/linux-system-call-table-for-x86-64):

#include <stdio.h>

#define SYS_READ 0
#define STDIN_FILENO 0

int main()
   char buff[10]; /* Declare a buff to hold the returned string. */
   ssize_t charsread; /* The number of characters returned. */

   /* Use constraints to move buffer size into rdx, stdin handle number
      into rdi, address of buff into rsi.  Also, "0" means this value
      goes into the same place as parameter 0 (charsread).  So eax will
      hold SYS_READ on input, and charsread on output.  Lastly, I
      use the "memory" clobber since I am changing the contents
      of buff without any of the constraints saying that I am.

      This is a much better approach than doing the "mov" statements
      inside the asm.  For one thing, since gcc will be moving the 
      values into the registers, it can RE-USE them if you make a 
      second call to read more chars. */

   asm volatile("syscall" /* Make the syscall. */
      : "=a" (charsread) 
      : "0" (SYS_READ), "D" (STDIN_FILENO), "S" (buff), "d" (sizeof(buff))
      : "rcx", "r11", "memory", "cc");

    printf("%d: %s", (int)charsread, buff);

    return 0;

It's going to take a better linux expert than me to explain why the int 0x80 on x64 wouldn't work with stack variables. But using syscall does work, and syscall is faster on x64 than int.

Edit: It has been pointed out to me that the kernel clobbers rcx and r11 during syscalls. Failing to account for this can cause all sorts of problems, so I have added them to the clobber list.


10-20 23:43