本文介绍了教学自己的网页设计的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我正在自学,或者我会在这个过程中说出扩展我在网页设计方面的知识。我确实拥有自己的网站,而且我很喜欢这样做。现在我把它作为一种爱好。我希望 有机会在某一天赚钱。 我知道我必须知道的不仅仅是我现在所知道的。我没有把b bb加入到XML中我对DHTML进行了轻微的磨损。我知道我需要在脚本和网络应用程序编程中更多地花费更多的时间.. 我想知道的是,这个问题适用于许多 设计师在这里以维护网站为生......我最终需要知道什么才能成功创建网站.... I''m in the process of teaching myself, or shall i say in the processof expanding my knowledge in webdesign. I do have my own site up and Ilove doing it. Right now I do it as a hobby. I would like theopportunity to possibly make money doing it someday. I know I will have to know alot more than what I know now. I haventdabbed into XML I''s dabbed alittle bit into DHTML. I I know I needmore experaince in scripting and webapplication programming.. What I would like to know, this question goes out to the manydesigners here who maintain sites for a living...What wil I eventuallyneed to know in order to be successful in creating websites....推荐答案 这是我认为重要的一些,但不要认为它是一种挑衅性的 列表(Web开发有很多不同的方面)。 HTML - 显然,你会想知道所有关于编写HTML的内容,而且你需要也应该研究一下XHTML(两者并没有太大的不同,至少就实际的标记来说,至少为)。请参阅规格 ( http:// www .w3.org / MarkUp / #advices)。 CSS - 将内容与演示文稿分开的重要性。请参阅规格 ( http:// www。 w3.org/Style/CSS/ ) 验证 - 养成验证文档的习惯。在W3网站上有 HTML和CSS验证器。 平面设计 - 你想知道你的方式某种图形 b $ b编辑软件(即 - Illustrator,PhotoShop,Paint Shop Pro等) 这些是基础知识。如果你想做任何类型的服务器端 处理,你会想学习像ASP(以及像 VBScript这样的语言)或PHP(或.NET,或Perl / CGI等)。如果你想做数据 驱动的网站,你会想知道一些关于数据库,SQL 查询和ADO的事情。如果你想做任何类型的客户端脚本, 你会想知道关于JavaScript的东西。 我认为这些是基础知识。我可能会忘记一些事情,但在 时刻,我认为这涵盖了大部分基础。 :) 问候, Peter Foti This is some of what I feel is important, but don''t consider it a definativelist (there are many different aspects to web development). HTML - Obviously, you will want to know all about writing HTML, and youshould also look into XHTML (the 2 are not very different, at least as faras the actual markup is concerned). Refer to the specs(http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/#recommendations). CSS - Vital to separating content from presentation. Refer to the specs(http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/) Validation - Get into the habit of validating your documents. There areHTML and CSS validators available on the W3 website. Graphic Design - You''ll want to know your way around some sort of graphicediting software (ie - Illustrator, PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) Those are the basics. If you ever want to do any sort of server-sideprocessing, you''ll want to learn something like ASP (and a language likeVBScript) or PHP (or .NET, or Perl/CGI, etc.). If you ever want to do datadriven sites, you''ll probaby want to know something about databases, SQLqueries, and ADO. If you want to do any sort of client-side scripting,you''ll want to know something about JavaScript. I think those are the basics. I may be forgetting something, but at themoment I think that covers most of the bases. :)Regards,Peter Foti 这是我认为重要的一些内容,但不要认为它是一个具有挑战性的列表(网上有很多不同的方面)开发)。 HTML CSS 验证 平面设计 我认为这些是基础知识。我可能会忘记一些事情,但在那个时刻,我认为这涵盖了大部分基础。 :) This is some of what I feel is important, but don''t consider it a definative list (there are many different aspects to web development). HTML CSS Validation Graphic Design I think those are the basics. I may be forgetting something, but at the moment I think that covers most of the bases. :) 你肯定忘了什么 营销/项目管理 - 特别是你需要能力 让客户/客户/部门负责人等来定义他们需要从网站获得什么并能够制定实现这些目标的策略 的目标。 搜索引擎优化 - 这不应该是额外的补充。如果一个网站的原始设计师 了解搜索引擎如何运作的基础知识,那么它可以节省,以节省在完成重建后花费的巨额资金。这个 可以是一个主要的卖点。 网站架构 - 你需要知道如何有效地设置内容 成一种为游客提供易用性的结构,同时也优化了搜索引擎对每个页面内容进行评分的方式 (可能还有如何吸引访问者访问特定页面)一个特别的 订单)。 最后,至少要了解一下如何操作网页 的基本知识。技术基础和Web服务器上发生的一些基本知识。你不需要知道如何设置一个服务器 从头开始(尽管它不会造成伤害),你可能不需要那个 级别细节。但是你不应该被改变.htaccess文件等的前景吓到。 - eric www.ericjarvis.co.uk 活得快,只有在必要时才会死 you certainly are forgetting something Marketing/Project Management - In particular you will need the ability toget a client/customer/department head etc to define what they need to getfrom a web site and to be able to devise a strategy for achieving thoseaims. SEO - This shouldn''t entirely be an add on extra. If the original designerof a site understands the basics of how search engines operate then it cansave extremely large sums of money spent later on a complete rebuild. Thiscan be a MAJOR selling point. Site Architecture - You need to know how to effectively set the contentinto a structure that offers the visitor ease of use whilst alsooptimising the way that search engines rate the content of each page(possibly also how to tempt visitors to particular pages in a particularorder). Finally, it pays to have at least a basic knowledge of how the weboperates on a technical basis and some basic knowledge of what ishappening on the web server. You don''t need to know how to set up a serverfrom scratch (though it would do no harm), you probably won''t need thatlevel of detail. However you shouldn''t be freaked by the prospect ofchanging .htaccess files etc. --eric www.ericjarvis.co.uk"live fast, die only if strictly necessary" 的定义列表(网上有很多不同的方面)开发)。 HTML - 显然,你会想知道所有关于编写HTML的知识,而且你也应该研究一下XHTML(两者并没有很大的不同,至少目前为止) />就实际加价而言)。请参阅规范( http://www.w3.org / MarkUp / #advices)。 CSS - 将内容与演示文稿分开的重要性。请参阅规格( http://www.w3.org/ Style / CSS / ) 验证 - 养成验证文档的习惯。 W3网站上有HTML和CSS验证器。 平面设计 - 你想知道你的方式某种图形编辑软件(即 - Illustrator,PhotoShop,Paint Shop Pro等) 这些是基础知识。如果您想进行任何类型的服务器端处理,您将需要学习ASP(以及诸如VBScript之类的语言)或PHP(或.NET,或Perl / CGI)之类的东西。等)。如果你想做数据驱动的网站,你会想知道有关数据库,SQL 查询和ADO的事情。如果你想做任何类型的客户端脚本,你会想知道一些关于JavaScript的东西。 我认为这些是基础知识。我可能会忘记一些事情,但在那个时刻,我认为这涵盖了大部分基础。 :) 问候, Peter Foti definative list (there are many different aspects to web development). HTML - Obviously, you will want to know all about writing HTML, and you should also look into XHTML (the 2 are not very different, at least as far as the actual markup is concerned). Refer to the specs (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/#recommendations). CSS - Vital to separating content from presentation. Refer to the specs (http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/) Validation - Get into the habit of validating your documents. There are HTML and CSS validators available on the W3 website. Graphic Design - You''ll want to know your way around some sort of graphic editing software (ie - Illustrator, PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) Those are the basics. If you ever want to do any sort of server-side processing, you''ll want to learn something like ASP (and a language like VBScript) or PHP (or .NET, or Perl/CGI, etc.). If you ever want to dodata driven sites, you''ll probaby want to know something about databases, SQL queries, and ADO. If you want to do any sort of client-side scripting, you''ll want to know something about JavaScript. I think those are the basics. I may be forgetting something, but at the moment I think that covers most of the bases. :) Regards, Peter Foti 这篇关于教学自己的网页设计的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-16 19:58